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Being able to toggle the Feedback Notifications on/off in 16.3




  • jamestarbotton

    I too find this feature very infuriating - needless visual clutter that is alerting me to an action that I know I've taken. There should definitely be a way to disable this feature. I understand for new users it could be beneficial to see what keys are doing what action, but for advanced users this is unnecessary and distracting.

  • James Quinn

    I also went back to 16.25, 16.3 needs a lot of work. Loading a 1:1 preview takes forever now, crazy how this program just keeps getting worse in regard to hardware optimization. I also don't like the animated text boxes, I see no reason to include them.

    Maybe it's some accessibility thing pushed by HR, but this is a junky feature, completely unnecessary.

  • Tino Nettling

    wow .. if I set CO to English I find it immediately under notifications. In the German version the notification tab doesn't exist.

    I reported this to the support.


  • Per Möller

    I think the main issue for me is the animation swiping up. If it just faded away in the same place would be nicer.

    Size wise I think i'ts fine. And I do like the response of it letting you know what command you've just done, but when i'm toggling back and forth between different view modes and it keeps appearing and swiping up it gets pretty repetitive. So maybe drop the swiping up animation.

    I know this sounds like a trivial problem but I just noticed that it annoyed me and kept taking away my focus from the images I was looking at.  

  • David Baker

    I find them popping up on screen whenever I do certain actions a distraction and unnecessary for my workflow. I guess because I know Capture I don’t feel I need a reminder of what I’ve done, but I accept useful for beginners or Lightroom converts.

    An option to turn them off would be appreciated.

  • Tino Nettling

    I see and i understand that.. but it's really short-sighted to enforce this feature for all users.
    I'm pretty sure that they will introduce this option soon. 

  • Anthony Sheridan-Tahesh

    This has ben bothering me too. It's so distracting when you're trying to notice subtle differences. Can you please make it an option to be turned off??

  • Tino Nettling

    I'm on Mac.. but German Version. I go to "Voreinstellungen" (settings) (CMD+,) - there is nothing like notification. There is Warnungen (warnings) but nothing that sounds like feedback notification or key-press notification


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Jack-W - i don't think they show for too long. If you wanted them I'd say the time they show for is about right. I don't personally find the fading upwards an issue. To be honest, I hadn't even noticed it and had to go back and try it to see what Per Möller was referring to. Nor are they too large - again, if I wanted them I'd say they are of a suitable size. But being able to turn them off would be nice. It's not so much of an issue that I would want to go back to a previous version!

    And I didn't know they were called feedback notifications.


  • Raymond Harrison

    Isn't it possible to turn these off in the notification settings (last item)?


  • ernst.w

    @Ian Wilson
    „No I think you'll find that's something different.“

    Then add another Item to notification settings… It is not so difficult to do, is it?

    Regards Ernst

  • Tino Nettling

    I second an option to turn those off. 
    I really wonder what's the purpose of this feature? 

  • Marc Davies

    I can see that for new Capture One users the feature may be of some benefit, but for experienced or more advanced users it is just distracting and unnecessary.  If you’ve taken the time to create your own set of shortcuts, you don’t need to be told you used one or that you've undone an adjustment. As it stands I’m probably getting an average of at least 4-5 alerts per image I edit!. Very annoying and distracting. Ideally it would be good to be able to switch it off in either the settings or the view menu. If it’s not possible to entirely switch off the alerts, at least getting it smaller and to the edge of the screen and to appear for less time would be helpful.


  • Peter Uhlemann

    Actually I like the notifications, but I can see that some people find it disturbing. So there should be an option to switch it off, similar to other things.

  • Jack W

    Also requested here:

    Has this feature actually made you go back to a previous version? That would be a real shame.

    How exactly is it getting in the way? Do you think it's showing for too long or are the notifications simply too large? (just as an example)

    Please let us know :) tagging Thomas Axel as an FYI and also Ian Wilson as they were the OP in the linked post.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    No I think you'll find that's something different.


  • Raymond Harrison

    Apologies, for some reason I had this tied in with Live. For whatever reason, this issue isn't something I see so I'll step back :-). 



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Hi ernst.w - no point telling me to add another item to notification settings, I'm just a Capture One customer, not a Capture One developer. As you'll see from the second post in this thread, I have been one of those asking for this change!


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    I think these notifications were added because users inadvertently find themselves in some screen and have no idea how they got there (grid enabled, focus mask enabled, highlight / shadow warnings enabled, etc). When they get into some state they weren't expecting the shortcut notification will tell them what they pressed to get there.

  • ernst.w

    @Ian Wilson
    „I'm just a Capture One customer, not a Capture One developer.“

    ;) I know very well. Insert „they could/should“. Better now?

  • Class A

    I would not upgrade to any version of C1 that would not allow me to turn off notifications that appear on the image.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Current status: "In the works" 🙏 One % towards better Capture will be done! 😉

  • Tino Nettling

    and where/how? I'm still getting the notifications and didn't see any option to disable it.

  • Brian Jordan

    On Mac it's under Settings>>Notifications>>Top checkbox.  I assume something similar on Windows.  Edit>>Preferences maybe?

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter


    Thanks for pointing this out. As you say, not mentioned in the release notes, so I had not realised they had done this. I'm very pleased to be able to turn this off!


  • Matthias Schmitt


    You can trick CO: first set the program to english, turn off the notifications, and set it back to german.

    The notification setting will still be off!


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