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Better WAN/LAN workflows with NAS



  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    User to user, why do you expect RAW editor to solve network issues outside its responsibility? Fix your network or raise an issue with your network provider, storage has to be reliable in the first place - your situation is about the same as with a failing drive, I guess, something almost impossible to handle differently than "rescue&abandon" approach, where data has to be "saved" first from the broken device and moved to a stable location.

  • Omar

    Hi Marcin, it’s not about the NAS or my network. The issue is about working with catalogs or sessions locally that need to access RAW files over a NAS or a shared storage. The solution for me would be installing 10GB ethernet, but I’m on a lease and I’m pretty sure my landlord is not interested on installing that. DaVinci Resolve has a server app that can serve as a connection point for a Team to work on the same project and that’s an example of a solution for teams to connect and work seamlessly over networked files. I don’t know how they do it but Inditex Group has 50 photo sets in the same building shooting thru C1 and they would need to upload all the raws to the retouching teams, some offsite because most of the time they have to outsource for volume. But in my case if the performance of C1 over networked files was as seamless as locally this weren’t an issue at all. I know the dev team isn’t going to solve this tomorrow or maybe never, but the less I have to spend in hardware the better. I’ll end up buying an external USB drive to work rolling backwards to my slow workflow before I installed a NAS thinking I could retouch or my wife could retouch on her computer without moving the files anywhere.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Have you looked at Capture One Enterprise? I don't know what additional features it offers but you could reach out to Capture One to ask.

  • Omar

    Hey Walter!

    I'm pretty sure Enterprise is more of a big company product, and I'm just a freelance photographer, don't know if the price is similar or if it's available to end-users.

    Reading the forums I found this request from Michael Moore, which I think might be the issue I have: 

    Might solve it altogether without needing what I'm asking, but you never know. Capture One being "network collaboration ready" would be nice in the long run.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Reading the comment I would say that I never trusted NAS or similar solutions and keep everything on a single machine instead - too much data (even before I started photography or ARWs) to NOT have bottlenecks in network, even 10GBps. I'm editing recent sessions off external SSD for that minimum of portability and then moving them to internal HDDs (backed up) for long-term storage.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Capture One has publicly stated they are working on improved synchronization. The mobile apps can currently push files to the cloud and the desktop can download them. You cannot go from desktop to mobile. Improvements in synchronization are ultimately supposed to offer full bi-directional synchronization. This may be the best you will get from capture one for collaboration but only capture one knows the full extent of these plans. It is a small company compared to adobe or davinci resolve so their resources are limited and must remain somewhat focused.

  • Nicolas Det

    > I recently switch to NFS as network protocol and it seems to work way better. I would suggest to try that.

    > A friend of my is using big session (like >50 Gb) over a NAS and it's working very well. 


    We all used wired LAN connection. WLAN is not sooo reliable for that I guess.


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