Adding Category to multiple fotos at once
After importing I add all fotos a "Kategorie/Category" within IPCT-Tags like "2023 Birthday Reto" or "2023 Hiking"...
I usually add the Tag to one foto, then select a group of fotos needing the same tag and select "Copy and apply Adjustments", then scrolling&selecting only the tag "Kategorie/Category" and then select apply. This is then repeated for all different categories from an import, usually 5-8 times.
Is there a direct/faster way after selecting a group of fotos to assigning the same category to all of them a once?
Not really. Maybe you save a bit time by a few tricks
Create the "Adjustments Clipboard" as a floating tool, resize its height as you like, put it somewhere where it does not disturb you. Then you don't need to scroll.
Select the tool's menu "three dots" and select Autoselect>None.
Then you can exactly control which edits go to the clipboard.Click the big Copy arrow icon in the main menu, uncheck all options if checked, but of course check the "Category". Do this once.
This prevents you from having to change your selected metadata tags or other adjustments every time you copy from an image.(But make sure it works as you think it does until you are confident about it)
Now, enter your string e.g. "2023 hike" in the category of the first image, click the big Copy arrow to copy the string to clipboard, select the other images and click the big Apply arrow icon.
Finetuning: You can select all or several images which qualify for "2023 hike", enter your string in one of them (the so-called primary variant if more than on is selected). Then copy, then apply.
Keep "Edit selected" enabled.
This whole metadata editing for several images is a bit awkward in C1, so consider making a feature request (or search the one I recently have seen and upvote it)
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Hi SFA, I have a faint trace of this feature in my memory, thanks for the refresher :-)
It works nicely when only one field (as required here) should be set or overwritten.0 -
@BeO and @SFA, thank you both for the valuable hints that work out both perfectly well, really appreciated!
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SFA, yes, the drag&drop action is more satisfying than copy and apply, and if the 3 or 4 fields you need are close together in the filter then it is somewhat efficient too.
I agree with your comments about large shoots if they have different metadata requirements.
Another idea is to create (maybe temporary) dumb albums to sort your images into, just for the sake of editing their metadata altogether in a second step, then delete the dumb albums and further work with (my preferred) smart albums.
Btw, the satisfying drag&drop action might also be a factor why dumb albums instead of smart albums are popular, despite all their downsides...? :-)
You're very welcome, Reto.
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Sure, nothing wrong with using temporary smart albums or any other tool of your toolbox.
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