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Healing AI



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    I agree. Some sort of AI-based content-aware "fill" (heal) would do wonders in many cases like object removal too.

  • Chelaru Ionut

    Would love it if they did it. 

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    For me I would like to see AI-based smart fill similar to content aware fill in other software.

  • Stephen Hopkirk

    Il like it to remove items from the shot, by drawing around it and the item is removed in a way that can’t be noticed. For example I saw a tartan babies dress with drool patches on it, Adobe generative fill replaced it without it being noticeable, matching the colours and tartan pattern perfectly. So the ability to perform on complex subjects/textures would be great.

  • Stephen Hopkirk

    I was going to make the same suggestion, some form of AI content aware fill would be very useful tool in streamlining workflow and avoiding having to create a TIFF or PSD to edit with Affinity or Photoshop. The are very few occasions when I have to go to a pixel editor but removing objects, especially larger objects that the C1 erasure tool can’t handle, is the main reason. It will be a workflow and quality of results improvement.

  • FirstName LastName

    There are two separate needs that are currently being addressed by the Heal Tool:

    One is that the Heal Tool is being used as a "content-aware fill," as mentioned by Walter Rowe and Stephen Hopkirk. This is likely to need additional AI programming to make more accurate fills, as it needs to be aware of what is normally found in the sky, land, tartan babies' dresses with drool patches, etc.

    I would like the Heal Tool to automatically apply healing to a selection (such as a subject mask) and automatically heal skin blemishes, dust, and lint. (With the option to remove the applied healing to a particular area, say if it is a desired but spot.)

  • Brian Jordan

    I would be perfectly happy if CO allowed me to create a mask using the AI* then restrict healing/clone within that mask.  For instance: Object appearing in the background - let me use AI to select that then Clone or Heal within that mask.  Often the Clone or Healing tool is very good at removing an object but edge detection is not good and anything around that object gets obliterated.  So it's off to Photoshop I go.


    * - or any of the other masking tools.

  • Thomas D.

    In fact, I'm also dealing with this topic at the moment, it's usually the shadows that cause problems.

    The Generative Pencil in Photoshop does this quite well but suffers from pattern creation.

  • FirstName LastName

    Agreed A.I. enhanced Healing brush would be very helpful. Less time switching to PS for skin retouching. Skin Tone Color Editor is great so perhaps a few more tools for skin retouching?


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