Button Multi-Push Tool Cycle
What problem do you see this solving?
The ability to push B or E multiple times to cycle through your brushes or erasers would be a great improvement. My preferred work flow is using key bindings on my mouse (MX Master 3 for Mac), and rarely reaching for the keyboard. As such, I do not have much button "real estate".
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Anytime I need to switch brushes and erasers
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
So far, I haven't found a work around. I considered re-binding the different types of brushes, but I still do not have enough buttons to fix the problem.
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Yes please!
You can use SHIFT-B or SHIFT-E to do this already.
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Walter Rowe are you aware of a way to include the new AI brush/eraser in that cycle? Am I missing something?
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Thank you! Brian Jordan I have the latest update, and the brushes are just included in the SHIFT+B/E list. Check your update, and restart your computer perhaps?
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Walter Rowe Before I post another suggestion. Would you know if there is a customizable quick tool menu? Something like a radial wheel that I could access specifically chosen tools?
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Nicholas Haggkvist. You misunderstood my question. Pressing Shift+B cycles through the brush and magic brush. Pressing Shift+E cycles through the eraser and magic eraser. I asked Walter (or anyone else) if there was a way to include the new AI brush/eraser in the Shift+ cycle.
As to something like a radial wheel, perhaps the speed edit keys are what you're looking for? https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015629178-Speed-Edit
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Brian Jordan My Apologies, I am afraid that I still do not understand if that is the case. It was automatically added to my shift+ cycle when the brush became available from the latest update. Did you remove the AI brush from the list, or has it never showed up in the first place after the update?
I haven't played with speed edits yet, but they may help my issue, so thank for the link. However, I was thinking more along the lines of the image that I have included. I was thinking more for tools, but there may be little need for this now knowing about SHIFT+
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Nope, never showed up in the first place. I have to click on the AI brush or AI eraser separately. But I've also been using the AI tools for exactly the same number of days as everyone else here and have only seen the Capture One videos. Some people are confused by the Mod tag. I'm not affiliated with Capture One.
Check out speed edit. Might just scratch the itch.
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SHIFT-B and SHIFT-E cycle through all three brushes and erasers for me including AI Masking.
I'm running 16.3.1.
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Nicholas Haggkvist Walter Rowe Interesting. I had to manually add the AI brush to the B shortcut and AI erase to the E shortcut.
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Brian Jordan .. do you have a custom keyboard shortcut map? I am using the default keyboard shortcut map.
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Walter Rowe, let's forget we had this conversation, ok? :)
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