How to tether quickly A7RV to Capture One?
I ran into speed limits of A7RV: its tethering is apparently limited to 70MB/s and this does not depend on underlying card, so switching to CFexpress did not give me boost I have expected. The question is: how could I design tethering-like approach, that would facilitate shooting at around 100 captures (~6.5GB) per minute for long periods? Required is an ability to set names in real time, changing template even every minute of shooting.
BeO accidentally suggested in another thread connecting with mass storage, which can be accessed at 220MB/s off camera and does not affect buffer (at least directly, like tethering), and then copying files to Capture folder using a tool that knows how to generate expected names. This would need writing such tool, which is not much of a hassle, considering that the alternative for me was to write something very similar, but copying entire card after the shooting is already done - at the cost of having to wait for the copy AFTER already being done with shooting and I would also lose value of having the camera connected the whole time to keep USB power on. The problem of the alternative approach would be in keeping track of in-camera photo numbering, so that I could split blocks afterwards; if connected using mass storage and copying in real time, there would be no need to note all the long numbers, where any mistype could wreck havoc resulting in time wasted on trying to undestand, why names don't match what actually is on the photos.
(Not sure if this is more 16.x related or a "photography talk" topic.)
My main memory and long-term storage is failing more often, the older I become, but are you sure that was me?
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That's why I said "accidentally", it was a mashup of Your input and my imagination growing around it like a mold (or pearl, whichever fancies).
I have decided to set names using a tool that copies the files with the proper names off the card/backup and note down in a text file all the camera numbers that end a scheduled entry to know, how to assign photos. Maybe not faster than tethering, as there is no direct comparison (files are offloaded with a delay), but at least buffer is not blocked - with CFexpress I have a hard time catching the camera still writing the files. Taking notes feels cumbersome, but copying entry names while tethering is not faster at all.
Doing a trial run this weekend and I found two problems: (1) bugs in my code (2) new SSD drive is a failure 🙄 They can be addressed on my side, thankfully.
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