Mise a jour de capture one 23
Bonjour .Comment faire la mise à jour de capture 23.16.01 au 23.3.1 avec une licence pro déjà acheté ,
Hello. How to update capture 23.16.01 to 23.3.1 with a pro license already purchased,
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The new version was not 23.3.1. It was Capture One Pro 16.3. (They've dropped having a year in the name of the app.) And now there is a minor update to 16.3.1.
Depending on when you bought your licence, you may or may not be entitled to a free upgrade to 16.3.1. Log in to your account at the Capture One website and see what it offers you.
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Re bonjour ..D’après le compte de mon logiciel Capture One 23 pro actuel , une demande de téléchargement de celui ci la mise jour et possible du 16.0.1 au 16.3.1 , ( Aussi fait puis installé ! ). Mais ma clé de licence fonctionne pas .
Hello again..According to the account of my current Capture One 23 pro software, a request to download this update is possible from 16.0.1 to 16.3.1, (Also done then installed!). But my license key is not working. Sincerely
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So you have managed to install 16.3.1, that's the first step.
If you check on your account at Capture One, it should show you your license key for 16.3.1. If that's not the same as you had before you need to
- open Capture One
- deactivate the old licence
- close Capture One
- open it again and enter the new licence code when it asks for it.
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Uninstall the old one at the risk of no longer being able to use it...!? If the new version doesn't work! Dangerous !
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No I'm not suggesting uninstalling the old one, just deactivating it. If you can't get the new one to work, just reactivate it. From the Capture One menu choose License... then you see this and you can deactivate on the current computer. (On a Mac - I can't remember which menu it is on for a PC, but it's not hard to find.)
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GRRRR ! Après avoir désactivé mon code licence permanente de l'ancienne version plus moyen de faire fonctionné celui avec code acheté ...Et en plus la nouvelle version ne fonctionne pas avec le code acheté ..Résultat j'ai tout.... PERDU.....Grrrrr
GRRRR! After deactivating my permanent license code from the old version, there is no way to make the one with the purchased code work...And what's more, the new version does not work with the purchased code..As a result I have everything.... LOST. ....Grrrrr
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Nouvelle tentative Ouffff...! tout refonctionne ....
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C'est compliqué pour simple une mise a jour qui fonctionne pas ..Dommage pour moi
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So it's not clear to me whether you have it all working now or not.
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