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How to make Capture one not create settings folders?



  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Session or catalog? Sessions are by default localized, which means that doing work in any location implies creating a set of internal files required for operation of Capture One, like settings or previews for files in this location. Catalogs are supposed to be self-contained in contrary, so maybe that's the way to go?

    Another resolution could be a session, where you don't search for source folders explicitly, but instead you hardlink images in question to its Capture folder, work, unlink. Original locations are unaffected.


    I don't think any changes would come from your "request", as it is more of a question, so can you please move it to an appropriate section?

  • FirstName LastName

    One session and then selecting folders I want to export.

    And I understand that they need to have the settings local to the folder you work in. But I'm just selecting the images through Library, and hitting export, so I am wondering what settings they need to save locally for that..?

    Thats a great suggestion, I will try that and see! 🙏

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Do you mean the CaptureOne folder that gets created? That folder contains settings AND previews / thumbnails (in the Cache subfolder). It is creating previews so it creates the CaptureOne folder in which to store them.


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