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Ability to delete tags of photos in trash



  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    I would have imagined that attempting to delete a tag in use would have resulted in a prompt like "this tag is in use, deleting it would remove its instances from the photos that have it" and that's it.

    I don't use tags, don't have a running session, but this thread sounds viable.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    By tag do you mean keyword? Are you trying to delete the keyword from the keyword library, or just from the images in the Trash? Images in the Trash are effectively locked.

  • g g

    Yes, I mean keyword.

    I try to delete from keyword librairy : if one image in trash has that keyword, deleting the keyword is impossible

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I see the point of this suggestion. I also see the fact that images in trash are automatically marked as uneditable, for possibly sensible reasons. I would like to be able to add or remove keywords from uneditable images separately from the fact that they can't be edited another ways. For instance Capture One is willing to add very small images to the catalog, but it won't let you edit them, so you can't add keywords to them to help you organise them. (So what use is it having them in the catalog,  -if you can't readily find them when you want to?)



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