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Capture One Express for Sony



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    If you have a Sony Express license key it may work with the latest version of Capture One. There is only one installer for Capture One. The license key determines what features are unlocked for the user.

    Here is a feature comparison of Capture One Express vs Capture One Pro.

    Capture One Express is still available for Fuji, Sony, and Nikon.

  • FirstName LastName

    Just a few days ago, everything worked fine. i also tried reinstalling. no success. i can only export with the "quickproof" settings, no full size anymore. i didn't change anything on my computer. it's just unusable now.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    That usually indicates the source files are not available. Have you tried File > Verify Catalog?

  • FirstName LastName

    Walter Rowe, you said above that "Capture One Express is still available for Fuji, Sony, and Nikon.". I find only one version for Fujifilm. I talk about free versions (C1 Express).

    Do you know where the version for Sony downloaded or how I get licence for Sony? My camera is Sony and Fujifilms version can't read arw-files (=files from Sony camera).

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    It seems to be gone now.


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