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View multiple tool panels in Dual Screen Workspace



  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    I wonder if another workaround would be to put the "tool screen" vertically for a longer column.

    (Where do you keep your Browser BTW?)

  • Jake Campos

    Hmm. I'm not sure I grasp what you're saying - in this layout, or in every layout, the tool panel is already running about the entire vertical height of the screen it's on. And it's not possible to stretch it from one screen to another, so that's out. I had hoped I could move the browser up next to, or paired with the viewer, to get more real estate below, but couldn't find the option to do that, so I have adjusted the tools so that it's visible on the right - see screengrab. Yesterday, this worked ok, I dragged lined up the edge so there weren't any hidden images like you see here, but today, if I try to do that, the primary window comes to the fore, and the floating tools are hiddne behind. Further, when I choose to Edit (an image) in Photoshop, that dialog window is hidden behind the floating tools. So having this layout built into the program would hopefully address these issues and make it a nicer, cleaner experience. 






  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    I mean the entire screen, physically, instead of current horizontal orientation. The screen with tools on it. Just that.

  • Jake Campos

    Hmm, not following you - can you post a screengrab?

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    I think what Marcin means is rotating the monitor 90 degrees ('portrait' orientation) so that one column of tools has more height.

    But your remark with Photoshop opening behind the floating tools indicate that you want to use the tool monitor for Photoshop, then you probably would want to keep the monitor in landscape orientation.


  • Jake Campos

    I see (facepalm). That actually made sense the way he wrote it. So yeah, that would be an option, but my setup is a MBP and a 27" monitor. I can see the bigger screen being able to host more uncollapsed tools, but I prefer running the Viewer and PS on the bigger screen. To me, my configuration is probably the most common out there - I bet more people have one monitor than work off their laptop or 2 monitors. So this seems like a way to improve the UI for a lot of people, but maybe I'm wrong. It's become my preferred layout, where I can still see improvements being made, but skipping around to the different tools is way faster. FWIW.


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