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Converting a catalog (to use referenced photos) from capture one mobile



  • Luis Sayo

    Hi Walter, Yes I've transferred the photos. Thank you thank you! 

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Open the catalog and go to the Folders tool in the Library tab. You will see "In Catalog" has a number next to it showing how many images are stored inside the catalog.

    Click the "+" in the Folders tool to add referenced folders to the Folders tool. Then select thumbnails from the catalog and drag-n-drop them into those added folders. That will move them from being stored inside the catalog to being stored in the referenced folders where you drag-n-dropped them. You can add as many folders as you like and move them in batches per folder.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Glad to hear that.

  • Lawrence Coleman

    How did you move the catalog to a new medium?  I have a similarly large set of images which I edited and rated using C1 for ipad pro 2023 while on a trip.  I tried to use MOVE to transfer the catalog to an external SSD.  It took several hours and seemed to do fine until the very end when I got a msg, 

    "The operation could not be completed.  You can't copy the item 'CaptureOne.cocatalog' because its name is too long or includes characters that are invalid on the destination volume."

    The name and characters look fine to me.  The item appeared on the SSD and looked OK with a similar file structure so I tried opening it with C1 pro 22.  I got a msg that it had issues and the system tried to fix the problems but concluded that the file was beyond repair.  

    So I wonder whether another transfer method is recommended.  Thanks in advance.  Lots of time invested in editing the images.

    iPadOS v. 17.1.1

    MacOS 11.7.10

    Capture One 22 Pro  v


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    There really isn't an efficient method to do this. The latest iPad M2 models have fast USB-C ports. I've plugged it into the mac and used macOS Finder on the laptop to copy the catalog to the computer. That was only with 100-200 images. A large catalog with a few thousand images would take an inordinate amount of time. I don't think there is an efficient way to get a large catalog from iPad to desktop.

  • Paulo Parreira

    I shoot in studio and import Raf files to a new session every time in my Mac, sometimes I start culling and editing and then I want to take the shoot with me in my iPad so I can continue editing. I don't want to start over in my iPad when half the job is already done. The same way i share online with a client who can only tag or rate, why can't I share the capture folder with myself (my login email) and C1 Mobile with the same login would "see it" and allow me to import the capture folder as a two way sync almost as LR does?

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    This unfortunately is not supported at the moment. I has been requested many times so let's hope they are working on it and it will come. Many of us would love to see that.


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