Background Online Collection Synchronisation
What problem do you see this solving?
Sharing collections with clients through Live is amazing, it lets the client time to make their selection, share the pictures with colleagues easily.
I even made a selection support: on the phone, me on COP and the client on the Online gallery, discussing the pictures and applying settings and showing variants live. Very reactive.
Most of the time clients do it on their own, and sometimes they are several people to apply their selection.
Example: Portrait shooting of multiple partners, each one of them wants to select his portraits.
Live is perfect because they share the link and each one make his selection.
BUT... I didn't open the session for a while, as I knew it was taking time on their side to make the selection.
And now the Live session as expired, so I loose the selection one of them did in the meanwhile.
Obviously I should have reconnected one in a while during the 30 days gallery duration to synch.
But that mean I have to do it for all the ongoing jobs.
Suggested solution:
Could we see COP synchronise the sessions by himself without having to open the session? (background sync)
Or at least once on the last day before the Live session expires?
Or being able to retrieve these informations (stars, color tags and comments).
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
Not for this, I have to ask the client to redo it.
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Official comment
Hi Jeremy,
Unfortunately it is a technical limitation that we won't be able to overcome - the Live collection "communicates" with your images only when the Capture One app is running and the document containing your images is open (that means the session document or the catalog document).
The ratings and tags are saved through (or inside) these documents, that only the Capture One applications can edit. And to do that, Capture One needs to be running.
Comments are sent to you in an email at the expiration or termination of a session - if you don't receive such an email please make sure to report it to our support team as a bug.
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