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GFX100s in Live View - camera freezes



  • Brian Jordan

    I use Tethertools for shorter cables only because they were the go-to name.  However, I had issues with their 15' cable on my X-H2 and X-T5 and A7R3. I've since moved to IQWire and have no issues.  Connection time is very fast at < 2 seconds.  Going forward, I'll only buy IQWire as their boosted cables are comparable in price to the non-boosted Tethertools.

    Of course, none of these cameras is the GFX100s but I am connected to M1 Macs on Sonoma.  Your mileage may vary.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Just hold on for a while, did you use a hallucinating ChatGPT to make up all these tethering cable brands? 🤯😱 This list is just too long to be real...

  • Luís Filipe da Cunha

    Thank you Brian for your reply. I am using a Cobra Tether cable. By the way, what solution are you using to stabilize the cable and connection to the camera? Some kind of Tether Block like TetherTools? Thanks.

  • Brian Jordan

    On my X-H2 I use the little bob that came with the camera.  On my X-T5 I use a terrible strip of cable wrap velcro to attach it to the neck strap ring on the camera.  I've got a tether block in a shopping cart somewhere just haven't gotten around to ordering it.  I don't tether often enough on my X-T5 to be worth spending the money...........and I'll likely think that right up until I break my USB C port and have to send it in for repairs.  :)

  • Luís Filipe da Cunha

    Brian, I'm using the small piece that comes with my GFX100s, but it's not ideal. Before ruining the USB port, you'd better buy a Tether Block or something like that; It will be cheaper than repairing the USB port, I assume. I'm really considering it so I don't have any more expenses.


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