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Capture One Not Opening



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    What is the name of the newest file in the renamed directory? Perhaps when that file got updated it got corrupted.

  • JoJu

    First, this isn't about "improving Capture One", but a rather serious support case.

    Second, WalterRowe Sally's problem is already solved thanks to a person outside of C1's support team which failed like so often. In fact, I can't remember a single support case I've sent them that was resolved as "I found the reason and got a workaround or a bug fix". That might explain why my opinion of the C1 team isn't very high.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    They moved this entire folder aside. This means all presets, styles, recipes, etc were moved aside. I'm trying to help them recover the ones that don't affect their app starting. If you want to contribute to that please do. If you only want to complain please do that elsewhere.

  • JoJu

    Walter, this part of the forum is entitled as

    Improve Capture One Pro
    ... by sending us a feature request or providing feedback on the desktop application.

    I don't think Sally's post fits in any of these topics. But relax, I'm already fed up with the lousy quality of the forum search function, the poor layout and moderators defending their employers, but actually doing not much to improve either forum functions or support quality of C1. Goodbye.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    JoJu - just so that you know, most of the moderators here are not employees of Capture One. Walter isn't, and I'm not, along with several others.



  • Sally Kolar

    So I think Walter just nailed it.  The capture one team failed to help me figure out a solution during one of my busiest season's of the year. Hey, I want to shout out, I have been a capture one user for almost 15 years now. I love capture one. With that being said, I don't reach out to them often, and say it's not working. Good customer support, solves problems. They help their customers. I'm not trying to get something for free, I just want the program to work. After a certain amount of phone calls, one could understand that my strong suit is not computers, and if they had remoted in, they could have fixed it. Now that's support. And if they don't want to do it, have a company available that I could hire, because guess what, I mean it, I want to stay a Capture One customer. It's not nice to have your customers groaning, and after three weeks without a solution-or an answer to why, well, it's just downright frustrating. I challenge Capture one to do better.  Thanks for all your support guys...........I am off my soapbox, time to edit now that CI is up and running.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    John - all those files are XML files. If you feel industrious and adventurous you could run them through a XML lint tool and might find the errant file. You also could put back one folder's contents at a time with a quit / start in between to see which folder has the errant file. Then remove files one at a time until the problem goes away. The last file removed before it starts working again is the errant file. This assumes it is just one file vs multiple files.

  • Sally Kolar

    I thank you all, I think it is really important to post, together we can help others fix the problem.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Thanks for that explanation John. On macOS that might be stored in the app prefs files. I don't know if Windows has a similar settings in some sort of app properties. In macOS we also can manipulate app prefs from the command line using the "defaults" command.

  • Denis Huk

    moving to another topic as this is not a feature request.

    consider contacting our support team by clicking the Request Support button in the header.

  • Sally Kolar

    Consider contacting support?  How about- answering the support tickets...just saying. I will leave it there, as I have deep regard for capture one, and the program. Sincerely, Sally Kolar


  • Denis Huk

    hey Sally Kolar, sorry, didin't realize you had already sent a support ticket – i came from another message you left in another forum thread and it was not mentioned there


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