What problem do you see this solving?
I think this would be a cool feature to have for sharing specific images with clients. For example, Shooting employee headshots for a company. I would be able to setup smart albums that automatically select images based on their rating, color tag, name. I could make specific smart albums that will automatically be selecting the selected images and automatically be sharing those online. Setting up a template where I have the ability to save one of the albums as always being shareable would also be perfect. Right now there are third party softwares that do something similar but I like the idea of being able to do everything in one program.
I think this would also be a cool feature because when you setup a series of smart albums you can have the same batch of images go through rounds of culling using ratings or color tags. The initial shareable will be auto selecting red color tags. The client then stars or changes the color tag through capture one live, automatically placing them in your second smart album of final selects. You can then setup another smart album to select tiffs, so then you know everything in your 3rd and final album has been fully retouched and you can batch rename/export everything
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
Yes, Im making a basic album for live sharing instead of the smart album. I just have to drag images from one album to another to share it
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Official comment
Hi Adam Fahlund, thanks for your suggestion.
Unfortunately this is unlikely to happen any time soon, for two major reasons:
- First, a technical one.
In short, smart albums are not really "containers" like other albums, they are closer to a search result, or a filter. The way we built Capture One Live does not support sharing this kind of element, and it would take a very huge time investment to refactor the whole service to do so.
- Second, a design / user experience limitation.
Say you have a smart album based on "5* ratings". In this situation, any 5* image is in the smart album, anything else is out. How would you handle a client changing a rating to something else than 5* by mistake? In this case, the image is thrown out of the album, and there is no way for the client in the browser to make it come back. This creates an interaction that is potential breaking with no way out for the user, and this is not something we deem acceptable.Happy to hear your thoughts about this second part though, we've discussed it with several users in the past and could not collectively come up with a really smart solution to this problem at the time. -
I think Mathieu is right. A smart album would make it easy for the client to accidentally lower the rating of an image and have it disappear from their view without the ability to recover it. The client view has filtering so they can choose only specific ratings or labels. There could be more filtering options provided to the live view client. I also cannot remember if the client live view lets you combine rating and label filters.
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You can Walter Rowe :)
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Hey Mathieu B,
I understand the technical dilemma
In the case of the client possibly messing up a rating, I would make the shareable and follow up select folder have 2 filters
A star system for me
A color system for the client
I would inform the client to the color tag images. My selects album would then be auto selecting both my color tags and their stars, the good part would be that we can both select the same images0 -
This is indeed the most sensible implementation of this, but this becomes extremely complicated for our users if we start implementing some restricting rules ("prevent reviewer from rating images") in a very specific context ("if the smart album is based on ratings"). From a user experience point of view, this is a bit of a nightmare of discovery and inconsistency.
The other option is to not enforce anything from the software and let the photographers do it themselves, but this will lead to a lot of user errors and in turn have consequences on those photographers' jobs and reputation with their clients, and on our support team.
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Yeah it’s a fine line between making something too complicated and adding every feature that could be utilized
But I would say on the surface it doesn’t seem too complex to add. When looking at the access permissions now, you have the ability to limit them to view, view and comment, or view, comment and rate, I can’t see it being too complicated to add view, comment and then separating from tagging from the current rating option
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how can I use capture one live and use an export recipe with the subpath token?
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Hi Jean Perron, I'm not sure what you mean, can you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve?
Capture One Live and the Export feature are almost completely separate and only interact for the watermarks.
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When you use the select folder you actually move the photo, they’re no longer link to their original folder in a favorite multi folder workflow..Using the subpath token in a export recipe will create a “empty folder” as Capture One doesn’t know from which folder they’re associated to. Hope this makes sense.
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Yes it does - this is not a workflow that is currently supported indeed. The closest to a workaround is to add this new folder to your favorites afterwards and share it too.
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Hi Mathieu,
Here’s a workaround that I just tested and it worked. I created a new album called “for review “ and drag the image I want to share in it and share it online and my subpath recipe will still work.
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