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Scripting for brushes



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Are you familiar with the keyboard shortcuts for adjusting brush settings? They make it really simple and fast to adjust all brush settings.

  • Ferdi van der Sanden

    Hi Walter,

    than you for replying. 
    Can you explain a bit more what you mean? 



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    • Size
      • Ctrl + Opt + left-click and drag horizontally (left/right) on Mac
      • Alt + right-click and drag horizontally (left/right) on Windows
    • Hardness
      • Ctrl + Opt + left-click and then drag vertically (up/down) on Mac
      • Alt + right-click and drag vertically (up/down) on Windows

    Add SHIFT to these to adjust Opacity and Flow.

  • Ferdi van der Sanden

    Thank you Walter!

    yes I know those shortcuts.
    But I mostly live in the Flow-Realm of the Brush. I switch between 1/2% and 100%.
    A lot! In rare cases I use 8%, but not as much as 1 or 2. 

  • Ferdi van der Sanden

    Edit: I was too fast! That Shift-button is neat.
    But.. It'd still be convenient to click and brush. Rather than adjusting to 2 procent (have you ever tried to do that easily and quick? haha). But.. As I mentioned: I would help me a lot. Perhaps the bulk of the users don't use this. Thus a possibility to script it would be nice for those hardcore workflow people ;).


    Thank you so much for this tip Walter!


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