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pixellated images in preview window



  • graham mcalpine

    I'm now using a trial version of C1 23 and the sigma images are still pixellated. 

  • graham mcalpine

    I just carried out another test. I've moved 10 of the images which were pixellated onto the iMac hard drive (500gb ssd). After import into C1 23, 4 remain pixellated but 6 of them are ok! This debunks my theory that the sigma lens isn't supported but confuses the issue as to how 40% of the images remain pixellated.

    Anyone any ideas? Or do I just call it quits and move to Lightroom?


  • graham mcalpine

    I’ve fixed the issue. I downloaded a trial version of Lightroom and all the images previewed correctly so I’ll be using Lightroom from now on.


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