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Exporting Images



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Where an export recipe writes its output file depends on multiple export settings. The is a tool for folder and each recipe has a field for subfolder. Check all of them. They combine to make up the complete folder path. Sometimes the folder tool is not expanded and you may miss that it is pointing somewhere different than you want. Also EACH export recipe needs be checked separately.

  • Ian McColl

    Thanks for responding Walter, but I'm not sure what you are saying.  The recipe I was using had worked on many occasions before the upgrade.  Are you saying that any of them can easily get unwittingly/accidentally altered and that therefore they all need to be checked regularly checked?  It's not a problem I've had previously.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    They should NOT but it would be worth checking them all to confirm. For example if the export location is on external storage and the path to that storage has somehow changed (different volume mount point?) that could cause Capture One to write to an other-than-expected location?

  • Ian McColl

    No, it was to a folder on my internal drive.  It was only the second time I had exported to that destination folder from my latest catalogue but it had worked as expected the first time.  The upgrade to 16.3.6 is all that had happened since, unless I had unwittingly/accidentally clicked on something else which caused the change - but that would leave the question of why the images simply went to a 'neighbour' of the intended folder, ie, within the same hierarchy, rather than randomly into cyberspace.  Actually, they went as a sub-folder within the 'neighbour'.  I might add that I have exported satisfactority to other destination folders since the uopgrade - it is only with the one I was using today that this anomaly has occurred.  It remains a mystery.   


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