searching for picture extremely slow
searching for pictures in my C1-Catalog is terrible slow.
I'am using capture one on a iMac 3,6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 72 GB RAM with an APPLE SSD SM1024L (1TB) and a Thunderbolt-Drive from OWC with 4 1 TB NvmE in a RAID 0. So I think it's not the slowest one.
My picture database contains about 58000 pictures in different resolutions ( Nikon D80 / D7100 / D850 / Z6II ) All pictures are stored on the OWC-Drive.
The Catalog-File is located on the Apple SSD.
The catalog-directory has a size of about 140 G
130G Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalog
The space is most used by the cache-directory
68M Adjustments
127G Cache
346M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb
257M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup
259M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup 1
263M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup 2
267M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup 3
271M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup 4
271M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup 5
289M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup 6
330M Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup 7
0B Originals
32K unimported-files.Detlev.lrcat.txt
4,0K writelock
For an example: searching for a File with the name 8010 took about 30 seconds, searching for an IPTC-entry 25 seconds. As you can see, the database has a size of 'only' 346 MB.
Do you have the same experience with searching in the database?
Can anyone tell me what the files Detlev Bonkamp.cocatalogdb.backup * are for. The backup decretory on the iMac is located in ~/Library/Application Support/Capture One /Backups
Regards Detlev.
Hi, I see that nobody had answered your question. I can confirm that I've experienced the same issue. The database searching, particularly when using keywords, is extremely slow. I would say, slow performance of C1 greatly limits it from the digital asset management perspective.
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