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Cache folder



  • FirstName LastName

    Disclaimer, I am not a Capture One employee just a user...

    Most of the space in that Cache folder looks like Previews and wouldn't affect the imported images. You likely have images in that catalog with dates from each of those years. However, I wouldn't risk deleting anything in a Catalog without using the features built into CaptureOne.

    If you are looking to save space, you can change the size of the "Preview Image Size" in Capture One Settings and then select "Regenerate Previews".

    As a test, I changed the Preview Image Size in a catalog of 451 images from 5120px (recommended) to 2048px and the Cache folder went from 1.66GB to 644MB. I reset the Preview Image Size to 5120px and regenerated it back to 1.09GB. So it seems like there is some savings just by doing that process. Based on that result, I am going to adjust the Preview size on some of my older Catalogs, regenerate previews to save space and back them up again. If I ever have the need, I'll just adjust the preview size and regenerate the previews of the images I want to edit.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    You can delete the entire Cache folder to reclaim space, BUT Capture One will rebuild it. It uses that cache to meet performance objectives. Capture One rebuilds previews and thumbnails in real time when they are not available, and stores these in the Cache folder. Rebuilding them in real time slows down performance.

  • Laura Freedman

    Thank you for the helpful replies. I will try the preview size. Also, Walter, you said it rebuilds it back, but I have Cache folders from 2020. Should I just keep the recent ones and delete the old ones?


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Laura Freedman .. ignore the date .. that is the modification date. It will rebuild previews for all images.


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