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  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Can you open a support case for this? I had one open and they closed it saying they felt it was fixed in Sonoma. I didn't have Sonoma to test. Since you do and it still seems to be a problem they need to know it. I also will add a link to this message and re-open my case.

  • mhsch8

    Thanks Walter - I just opened a support case; however, a support case number has not been assigned.....


  • Richard Huggins

    I use dinax Mirage for printing. Its more money but the small studio version is affordable if you have  smallish printer. I've been using it (version 4) for years so I may have adjusted to it but I get good prints from exported  tiffs every time with minimal soft proofing on a Canon PRO 300. Sadly, no plug in for C1.

    What are you calibrating brightness to? I'm at 80 cd/m2, which suits my workspace. I also use Edition Etching Rag for some prints but had a local guy do a custom printer profile for me (as part of a printing workshop).

  • mhsch8

    the ticket number is #230574



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