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Fix Activation, it's a nightmare



  • Dylan Goldby

    Oh, and while you're at modernising this dinosaur, please make the update process happen within the app itself. Redownloading the entire installer from the site each time feels like a student project in programming 101.

  • Seppo Helle

    Agree with Dylan, the update process is clumsy and outdated. The SW should be able to update itself without asking questions and license keys etc.

    Please don't push me new services and plan switches on the update page. Let me just update the application easily and without questions asked. It is not very easy to find the update link on the page, it says "Max eligible version: 16.4." in small, gray text while other stuff is more outstanding on the page.

    I also don't like that you have to update the catalogs after every SW update, even minor ones. Should be possible to make a file format that stays the same over software versions.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    If you have the newest version of the software, the update process (for Mac at least) is much more straightforward than it used to be. It no longer has to download the whole app again, just an incremental update, from within the app. (If I remember rightly, it is still the old way for Windows, which I assume must be due to some technical reason.)


  • Seppo Helle

    Thanks Ian,
    I have the Windows version, and it is still the old way, hope it will be improved soon.
    I can get the updates, but since it is a bit tedious, I sometimes don't bother... and I don't feel I need many of the new features that get promoted. Fancy styles, for example, are not for me, I want my photos to look natural.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I don't use styles either. 

    I am sure that Capture One don't make Windows users use a more long-winded process just out of spite or anything, and that it must therefore be for some technical reason that I don't know about.

    However, I think that there will always be features that some of us use, and some of us don't - the ones that matter to you may not be the ones that matter to me.

    If you have a subscription, it is definitely worth keeping up to date so that you get bug fixes, but also because some of the new features may prove to be very useful to you. I find that the AI subject mask, for instance, is quite a time saver.


  • Seppo Helle

    I have a subscription, and I'm generally satisfied with Capture One. Chose it over Lightroom when Apple's Aperture went out of business long time ago. I'm sure professionals need different stuff than myself and I'm not against introducing new features. Just sometimes it feels that I'm asked to do updates more often than I would like to, as it is taking some time off editing the photos.


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