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Capture One Session images vanished – along with all my hard work?



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    In a session, all the edit information is held in .cos files in subfolders of the folders where the images are. So for instance, there are images in the Selects folder shown here, and the edits are in the Settings153 folder over on the right. 

    If that subfolder exists, and the .cos files are there (and the .comask files etc) then your edits are safe. If your session doesn't show them, try creating a new empty session, and navigating in the Library tool to the image folders belonging to the problem session. The images (and their edits) should show up. If that is the case you could try verifying the old session, or you could just move the images to the new session. (Drag and drop in the Library tool from the old session folder to the new session folder. Do it in the Library tool and Capture One will take care of bringing the edit information along with them.)


  • CambsCreative

    This is how my file structure look, files you mention are there, but a little different to yours in the file structure layout. But, all my other session projects are laid out this way so I don't think moving things around will make any difference.

  • CambsCreative

    Oh, I verified the session too, came back fine.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Do you mean that it is OK after verifying, or that no problem is reported when you verified? If there is still a problem, try what I suggested with creating a new session and moving the files to it. Bit remember you MUST move them in the Capture One library tool, not in Finder.


  • CambsCreative

    No problem reported after verifying, but still no images show up in the session. How do I do what you say in the C1 library tool?

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Create a NEW session. Go to File > Import then choose the Capture folder from the failed session. In the import dialog CHECK the box to "Include Adjustments". This will "migrate" the images from the failed session to the new session and keep all your work with them. Once you confirm the new session has all your hard work then you can delete your failed session folder tree.

    Recovering A Corrupt Session in Capture One

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Do it like this.

    1. Create a new session - maybe call it Ashleigh Rae New, or something.
    2. In that new session use the Library tool and find the System folders section of the tool.
    3. Locate the folder where the images currently are. 
    4. Drag and drop them from there to the folder in the new session you want them to be in. 

    For example in this screen shot I have images in the Capture folder of my May session. I can just drag and drop them from there to some other folder in some other session - I have shown ho I could drag the highlighted image from the May session to the April session. I've only selected one image, but I could select and move multiple images. You don't have to try to move the .cos files - if you do this as described, Capture One sees to moving all that stuff for you along with the actual image files.


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    ... and what Walter Rowe suggests is another valid way of doing it.


  • CambsCreative

    Strange, but none of the above worked, but I tell you what did work in the end. In C1 I simply clicked on the 'LIBRARY' tab and then under Session Folders I clicked the Capture Folder and then when I clicked on the 'Adjust' tab all the images were back – strange.

    Thanks guys, I guess I had to go through this stuff to get me into the place where I eventually managed to fix it.

    Thanks again!

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Glad you got this resolved. It can be frustrating when you fear you have lost valuable work and time.

  • CambsCreative

    That it can, Walt. So glad you guys helped me get it sorted, thanks again.


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