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How to change shirt colour from red to blue?



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Try this.

    Here's an image with a yellow door. (Sorry - don't have a red shirt one.)

    Draw a mask to cover the yellow door. 

    Select the new layer that you got from doing that, choose the Colour Editor and the skin tone tab. Click the colour picker on the yellow door.

    Pull the handles on the colour wedge round until they cover the whole circle. Then drag the dot representing the selected colour to the colour you want to change to. I've chosen a green for my door.

    Finally, drag the Hue slider in the Uniformity section of the Skin Tone tool to 100.

    And now my yellow door is green.

    The only slow part is selecting the object you want to change, but the new selection tools (such as the AI brush) make it quicker and easier than it used to be.

    Hope that is clear.


  • CambsCreative

    That's super clear, Ian. So good I've screen-grabbed this and saved it. But so easy to remember. Thanks!

  • JF

    This is an awesome tutorial!  We need more like this here.  Thanks.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    How far can you move the color in a single adjustment?

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Walter Rowe

    You can move the dot anywhere in the circle, so to any hue. But the amount sliders in the top part of the skin tone tab have a limited range of effect (a lot less than in the advanced tab). However, since you have a layer with a selection of the object you are changing - the door in my example - you can use any other tools on the same layer to adjust it as much as you like. For instance, you can adjust the saturation, brightness, contrast etc.

    So I can have a delicately pale green door...

    or a stronger deeper shade...


  • CambsCreative

    Thanks again, Ian, this is super.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    I played with this today. Brilliant Ian. Thanks!

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Walter Rowe - I take no credit for the method. I learned it from one of the Capture One guys in a video. I can't remember who, perhaps Alexander Flemming?


  • Leon Droby

    Wonderful description.  Clear, concise and to the point.

    Great job Ian.


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