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Alt + Del won‘t work



  • Abbott Schindler

    Have you looked in the catalog's Trash bin? Alt-Del images are sent there after being removed from the catalog To delete them from HDD, you need to "Empty Catalog Trash: either File > Empty Catalog Trash or right-click on the Trash icon and "Delete from Disk".

  • Simon Schreiber

    Yes, i did. usualy it was possible to delete directly with Alt+Del from HDD. But Even when i empty the Catalog Trash, the pics still remaine in the folder

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    You should find that when you empty the catalog trash you are offered the choice to also delete from HDD or not.

    But also be aware that what happens when you empty the trash depends on whether the images in question are "managed" (in the "In Catalog" section of the Library) or "referenced" (in folders on your HDD or elsewhere). If they are managed then there is no option to delete them from HDD, and clearing the trash gets rid of them for good. if they are referenced, you should get that option.



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