I want to see a plan for C1 mobile for android devices! A lot of us already use C1 on pc, it would be a game changer and a huge help to have C1 on android, but right now most of us have to either pay for and learn a whole new editing software / flow and style and have our work be inconsistent because we are working in two different softwares and using different tools/ ways to edit in those programs. there a lot of people who wants C1 on android divices and are willing to pay for it. By ignoring your android market you are/could make your pc Users leave to find a C1 competitor that offers better work flow between android divices and pc versions.
It won't happen. C1 is firmly wedded to the Apple ecosphere. Previous requests about android support were made on the improve C1 webpages and were logged as being not planned for implementation.
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