Questions on the "AI" brush and portrait editing
Does anyone know if this is the finished product when it comes to AI? I understand that Adobe has more resources to put into their software, but there seems to be more and more programs with quality ai selection capabilities. My frustration is with Portrait retouching, and for the life of me, I can't find a solution for selecting face and body skin. I zoom in and out, trying different points throughout the face, and it's so inconsistent. I'm wondering if it's user error, or just all I should expect from Capture One. Majority of videos all show the tool being use with landscape, so maybe this is not intended for portraits.
The reality is, face detect along with the skin tone panel would be a dream, but as it is, it's more frustrating than anything. I just returned and committed to another year of the software, and hoping my investment pays off with improved tools.
Thanks for the help
Kind of what I figured...I've been using capture one since 5 or 6, and communications has never been an area of strength. They are so close to something truly spectacular, it would be great to know their intentions.
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We can hope they will develop more.
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