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Windows: Export may slow down




  • Official comment
    Frank Schroeter

    We have now released version 16.5.5 with several changes that prevent this issue from occurring. Note that while 16.5.5 is more robust and not as expensive on the GPU as 16.5.2 and 16.5.4, it is also not quite as fast in some scenarios.

  • Paul Harvey

    HI, I have this issue and have followed the initial advice regarding switching off the Hardware acceleration for image processing which makes the export, of even small numbers of files, an excruciatingly slow process.  One other issue that has occurred for me when using the slower process is that occasionally the files are exported as .tmp files.
    Also when Hardware acceleration was on and the export process failed. Capture one would not close correctly and had to be closed using Windows Task Manager. 
    Finally, when Hardware Acceleration was on and the export process had failed, after clearing the export queue and export history, the watermark did not display and could not be edited.

  • Frank Schroeter

    Paul Harvey, that sounds like you have several different issues. In general, export speed with Hardware Acceleration set to Never depends on the power of the CPU; if you have a weak one, it will be slow. If you have a powerful one, the difference between Hardware Acceleration on/off may be negligible.

  • Paul Harvey

    Thank you Frank - here are my PC specs for my 2021 rig, which I believe meet the C1 requirements:
    Processor    11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900KF @ 3.50GHz   3.40 GHz (it is really a high ended i7)
    Installed RAM    64.0 GB (63.6 GB usable)
    OS Win 11 Home 64 Bit
    GPU Nvidia Ge Force RTX 3060 Ti with 8gb GDDR6 using Studio Driver  dated 10 Dec 24
    Benq Sw32 1c

     I would value your opinion regarding my PC meeting the C1 Pro requirements.  I also run Ps and DXO current versions with no issues at all.


  • Frank Schroeter

    Paul Harvey, I would definitely not call this a weak setup. It should perform well with Capture One, both GPU and CPU. I suggest you contact our Tech Support with your logs, System Information and a screen video that shows what settings you have for export. See this article on how to collect the logs: .

  • Paul Harvey

    Frank, thank you for your advice I will do that.


  • Kevin Zhang

    Hi, I have this issue too, and while I'm unsure of the low level processing reasons for the issue, I can recreate the problem easily. I know pretty well what export conditions it impacts on my system. 


    Firstly, the following are my system specs:

    Nvidia rtx 4090 laptop gpu (16gb vram, 175w tdp)

    Intel i9 13980hx

    96gb ddr5 memory

    2x4tb of nvme storage

    Latest drivers for everything that I could find, and hardware processing set to auto in C1.


    I do panorama and event photography. I recently installed the update and worked on a big batch of event photos from my a7r4, so none of the photos exceed 61 megapixels. When batch exporting with this new update, the export speed was awesome. Very very quick, Much faster than before, fantastic. 

    However, when trying to batch export my panoramas, the system would grind to a complete halt. Export times were basically infinite, as I haven't been able to successfully batch export panos even once. My panoramas are PTGui dng exports that are at least 100 megapixels at the minimum, on average around 150 megapixels plus and goes up to 750 (C1's limit) at the highest. C1 has never had an issue batch exporting them prior to this update, but now it does. Exporting the panos one by one work fine, but it's basically unusable once batched. Setting processing to never in hardware acceleration does not help.

    When the halt occurs, my GPU's vram fills up to the brim, at 16gb. My laptop's ram also fills up to around 80gb or so. GPU usage would also be pinned to the max while the CPU is steady at around 40%. Even when I cancel the export, the GPU is still stuck at 100%, and the only way to purge C1's processing is to use task manager to kill the program. 

    My 32gb m1 max macbook pro hasn't ran into this issue. Hope this can be resolved soon, I really like the export speed advantages when the halting doesn't occur and downgrading as a temporary band-aid is unideal

  • Ben Howland

    I have this exact issue as well. Excruciatingly frustrating.

    It seems to be related to overloading the GPU. If I break my exports up and do them one at a time for 100-200 images per export, it seems to survive.

    GTX 1080

  • Kevin Zhang

    Just saw the update regarding that there's no fix in the next update. This is pathetic. You're asking your windows users to be guinea pigs for at least 2 months. Considering the good number of support tickets and requests this update should have never been rolled out. Most PC based photographers won't have a mac to switch to. This is completely destroying work for a lot of people.

    The update will have "additional logging?" How about we get the option to turn off parallelized exporting! At least give us the option to BE ABLE to export photos on windows for those who do experience the issue!

  • Frank Schroeter

    Kevin Zhang, the workaround is to switch Hardware Acceleration for Processing to Never in the Preferences. See the original post.

  • Kevin Zhang

    And as I mentioned Frank, that does not work for me. See my "original post."

  • Theodore Chorianopoulos

    Kevin Zhang what we have seen working for some cases is once Capture One hangs, restart the software and start the exporting process again.
    If that won't do the trick the next best solution, until we release a solid fix, would be to roll back to 16.5.1.

  • Kevin Zhang

    Why can't the next update just let us turn off parallelized exporting? That'll be a solid enough bandaid for folks experiencing the issue while keeping the new features. At this point I'll even take an official C1 Lua macro that exports each image in a folder one by one.

    The fact that the response has been to use the next update to "include some additional logging" instead of including any fixes or solutions really rubs me the wrong way. We're not your beta testers. C1 is more expensive then Lightroom.

  • Frank Schroeter

    We have constantly been working on this issue since it became known, but now that the next regular update is due, we do not have a shippable solution yet. So adding more logging to understand the issue better is the sensible thing to do. This will also help us understand the reach better. While the number of known cases (from support tickets and forums) is substantial, it is only a weak indicator of how many people are affected. That is why we do not turn off Hardware Acceleration for everybody, or roll back to the previous OpenCL implementation. 

  • Kevin Zhang

    I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall at this point. C1's responses has been dissapointing and I don't want to waste more of my time.

  • Kevin Zhang

    Frank Schroeter, I am not asking C1 to "turn off Hardware Acceleration for everybody." I've clearly never said that. I am asking for the OPTION to turn off the new parallelized exporting. Surely that can't be difficult, the codebase from 16.5.1 should still be there! Or some sort of an option in the program to that acts as the equivalent of exporting each photo in a batch one at a time. 

    I respect that you guys have been working on the issue, but the responses here are extremely underwhelming. And now that I've taken a look at DN's original thread, it's turning out not being just a PC issue either. People on reddit have had issues too.

    You yourself has just said, and I quote, "the number of known cases (from support tickets and forums) is substantial." Then you simply brush that off. I'm sorry, but unless you have another metric to compare against you cannot simply ignore that. It's pretty clear that people who run into this issue are pretty heavy users of C1, and C1 doesn't have too many users in the first place. I think you can tell by my tone of voice throughout the thread, I was willing to take the benefit of the doubt at first. But as the official responses roll in, from twisting my words and ignoring feedback, it's hard not to get pissed off. 

    Who the hell cares about the "next regular update" when the last one has broken C1 for so many people? If it's truly impossible to add a toggle to rollback to the previous export engine, I would appreciate some honesty as to why. 

  • JF

    Kevin Zhang - In fairness to Capture One here, there is likely no already built piece of code that contains both the old way of exporting and the new way.  The code for the new way replaced the old way.  So, to put the old way back and add an option is certainly doable, but not something that's free and trivial (from a software development point of view).  It would take some development work and then testing to create that option and it's not likely you'd get that super quickly.  Plus, it's likely that the same developers who would have to do that work are the ones that are tasked with finding and fixing the problem with the new code.

    I get that you're frustrated (I would be too if I was using that version, but I'm still on 16.3), but the better way forward here is for them to be investing in fixing the new functionality.  Hopefully additional logging will shed more light on what exactly is happening inside the code since apparently they have not yet reproduced the problem internally.

    As a career software developer, my bet would be that there's either a concurrency issue among all the different threads that are working at once or there's some sort of resource leak that starves the system of some necessary resource.  But, whatever it is, it only hits some people and in some circumstances and apparently hasn't yet been reproduced by the developers which makes it particularly hard to track down.

  • Kevin Zhang

    JF - respectfully disagree.

    First priority shouldn't be to fix the new functionality. First priority should be to restore functionality. If you're a career software developer, I'm sure you're aware of the sonos debacle. I am not familiar with flutter and can't speak on the technical impossibilities of restoring the old sonos app, but I'm pretty sure that company would be in much better shape today if they were able to relaunch the old app for their userbase. 

    C1 is different - we are able to reinstall 16.5.1. But 16.5.2 contains a lot of essential functionality (such as jpg size limits). And for a lot of us on the latest program version, we're paying 3x the price of lightroom for just the base subscription for capture. A lot of us here use C1 for work (I do), to see C1 not guarantee functionality or rollback safeties for a professional program is simply not acceptable. 16.5.4 just came out, with no fix for the exporting issues, or even an acknowledgment of the problems in the change logs. Not good. 

    I understand that I'm not a software dev, but I joked earlier in the thread that a lua-macro is enough to fix the export issues. Honestly in lieu of no official fixes I might give it a shot at this point. And where we're at it, OpenCL in a creative app in 2025 when CUDA is commonplace is already pretty ridiculous. 

    Also just out of curiosity, if you're on 16.3, why are you giving a toss about us users on later versions anyway?

  • JF

    Kevin Zhang - You have a work-around for now with 16.5.1.  You're up and running as before.  OK, you don't yet get to use a new feature in 16.5.2 and that makes you grumpy. Point taken.

    But I, for one, would rather Capture One not invest in throw-away code porting old functionality into the current code stream and ALL the testing involved in getting that ready for release.  Development resources are a zero-sum game.  If they are working on throw away code so you can get access to JPEG size limits a few months sooner, then they are not working on other things of future benefit to you.

    What I would like to see is for Capture One to have a much wider/longer beta testing phase when they are making architectural changes such as this.  With the plethora of hardware and software configurations related to GPUs and Capture One's mixed-bag history about issues related to GPU acceleration, this is a classic issue that should be vetted in a wide reaching beta program before being released to the general public.  That would be my strategy if I were leading their development organization or even if I were a development or QA lead on this part of the project.

    I do find it to be in bad taste that there is no mention of the additional logging in the 16.5.4 release notes or acknowledgement of this issue.  That smells of Capture One trying to hide the existence of this issue (or make it less likely to be seen) instead of informing users.  Bad decision IMO.  Obviously 16.5.4 was being released for other reasons (overdue camera support probably, as I've seen grumpy users complaining about the lack of Sony a1 II camera support) and they don't yet have a fix for the export issue so that issue will have to hitch a ride on whatever the next release train is once they have a fix.  You don't stop releasing fixes for issues A, B and C just because you don't yet have a fix for issue D.

    I'm not sure where your remarks about OpenCL come from here.  CUDA is an Nvidia-only technology.  If you program only to CUDA, then you only support Nvidia GPUs.

  • Kevin Zhang

    Edit: I didn't see your beta paragraph edit when I originally posted this. I completely agree with that.

    JF - What are we paying for here? 

    You've already admitted to be on 16.3, so I'm going to assume perhaps that you're on a perpetual license or something and you're just weirdly passionate on these forums. But as I've already stated, C1 costs 3x more than LR for subscription users at minimum. Instead, we got an update that borked a many users workflows without warning. Forgive me for wanting the latest version of my software to work when I'm paying the same price of creative cloud monthly for one photo app!

    I disagree that it's throwaway code. Outside of fixing the issues, it's nice to have the old processing method when don't need all the processing to be used by C1. For panoramas I frequently have PTGui and DXO's suite of tools open with C1 at the same time, and it'd be nice to budget some processing if C1 has hundreds of photos queued up. After effects has a very cool way of limiting its ram usage so you can use other programs on the side for example (and you really need something like that for AE because it swallows ram).

    Fair point on the camera support.

    CUDA should be used on windows computers with Nvidia cards, support for CUDA has been utilized for a few creative apps and it's been a boon for performance. I guess this point is more of a grievance with photo processors on Windows as a whole then with just C1.

  • JF

    Kevin Zhang - To be clear.  They screwed up.  This code wasn't tested well enough on Windows and should not have been released as it is.  That's clear.  You should not be paying for that.  But, what we're talking about now is where to go from here, given that it's already messed up.

    If you have a separate gripe that you don't even like the new code at all because it consumes too much of your system's resources, then that's a completely different issue that you have conflated into this discussion about the current bug.  If that is indeed a general problem, that's something else that should have been discovered in an extended beta for significant architectural changes.

    Yes, I'm on a perpetual license.  That's how I make C1 more affordable (as an amateur) and I don't upgrade until they have something compelling for my workflow and I wait until a release seems to have a reputation for being stable (even more important on a perpetual license since I get very limited updates).  I NEVER grab a release and install it as soon as its out.

    I'm just curious, how do you calculate that C1 is 3x more expensive than Lightroom?

  • Kevin Zhang

    JF - Hey I'm just justifying why it's not throwaway code. You can look at my previous responses way earlier in the thread, I actually really like the export speed improvements (when it's working). You claimed the suggestion I made was throwaway code, I'm just telling you a use case.

    LR is 12 bucks a month. C1's pro plan is 24 (edited because I got the numbers wrong, 2x not 3x). I'm sure you save money on perpetual but coming from LR C1 lacks a lot of essential features. I am willing to survive some bugs for the latest release to claw back some features but did not expect that I couldn't export photos.

  • JF

    Kevin Zhang - There's an ongoing development and QA cost to carrying forward three separate export schemes for just Windows (old GPU-accelerated, new GPU-accelerated and no GPU-accelerated).   As a career guy on the development and testing side of things, I'd push hard to make the new scheme good for all users so the old scheme could be dropped so there would be only two schemes for Windows instead of three to maintain and test going forward.

    Anyway, I see your points.

  • Kevin Zhang

    JF - Fair enough, I see your points too. Cheers then 👍

  • Lionel Luu

    This a major issue. having us install the new update only for Cpature one to see our log is nopt helping me run my business. whilie i want to help with a solution, I cannot sacrifice my turnaround time for this. I will be reverting back to the previous version. in fairness. C1 should offer sometype of componsation for delivering a known faulty product.

  • Frank Schroeter

    Lionel Luu, this issue was not known when we shipped 16.5.2. Since we learned about it, we have been working on a solution with high priority. But as this technically is not a hang nor a crash, but just an extreme slow-down, it is difficult to debug.

    If you are affected in production, you should definitely revert to 16.5.1. The request to update to 16.5.4 was mostly for people who have not (yet) encountered this or are interested to test if they still encounter it. 

  • Albert Muzzi

    Just wanted to add another win user experiencing the export problem. Shot my GPU to 100%, in order to fully close C1 I had to use task manager. Turning off hardware accelerator worked around the issue.

    My setup consist of:

    Win 11 64 bit,I9 CPU 13 series, Nvidia 4070ti by Asus, 32gb DDR5 ram, 1tb  NVME C drive, (2) 1tb NVME D-E drive.     

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Please open a support case and provide your details there.

  • Albert Muzzi

    Within the support ticket can you add videos/photos?

  • Frank Schroeter

    Albert Muzzi, yes, you can add attachments similar to email. If you need to send something larger, file the ticket first and mention that you want to add a large file, then you are provided with an upload link.


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