Can someone help me understand the Capture One catalog / importing on iPad Pro?
I haven't yet started tinkering with using CO on my iPad Pro, but I'd like to this month. Before I start though, I want to try and figure out how it's going to blend with my workflow.
After reading through some third party reviews and much of the informational material Capture One has put out, I'm not clear on how it works with CO catalogs/sessions.
I'm sure my questions will snowball, but starting with the basics, on the iPad app, can I open sessions and catalogs I normally use with COP desktop through its iOS Files interface and work with those images? I store the catalog and the images on a cloud service that I can access through Files. I'm confused by the notion of "importing" images that I've already imported in the Desktop app...I just want to be able to work with them on either iPad Pro or my desktop.
Hello there. Please when you decide to help a user in Capture One forum, use your full name and not the default one otherwise the post will always be deleted.
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Theodore Chorianopoulos .. we've seen these posts in various forums .. it is believed they are bots posting what appears to be legitimate content which they later edit with spam. I marked it as pending approval. We really need to address the ZenDesk forums allowing people to register vs forcing them to use their real first and last name in the Capture One licensed user portal.
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Walter Rowe yes we are aware already that is why we enabled the extra login requirement to access the help centre. Also in the near future it will be a requirement to use your Capture One profile to access our forum and probably it will be only for Capture One product users. I will reach out to you soon so we can discuss few things if you don't mind :)
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Theodore Chorianopoulos .. I look forward to speaking with you.
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Hello Dan Trimble. Capture One for iPad/iPhone is basically a tool complimenting the desktop app. That means that you can use the mobile app to start a basic editing adjustments or ratings for the pictures you have taken on the go, or just make sure the images are in focus. After that the best way to transfer your images to the desktop app is through the cloud service. Keep in mind you need to make sure both iPad and desktop app are activated under the same account and that it doesn't work the other way round. You can only transfer from iPad to desktop but not from desktop to iPad.
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