Workflow while travelling
I'm new to Capture One and I'm in doubt on what to do in terms of workflow when travelling.
When travelling I'm usually taking with me the laptop so that I can immediately download and start adjusting my photos. With Capture One what is the suggested workflow, taking into account that my photos library isn't in the laptop's hard disk (I keep them in an external drive, that doesn't travel with me).
Should I start a new catalog during travel time and merge it with the main catalog upon returning home?
Are there any alternatives? What should I do in order to make sure that I won't have a problem on merging those 2 catalogs? (I will want to move the photos from the "travel catalog" to the external drive once the catalogs are merged).
And, last but not the least, how can I merge two catalogs...
Thank you in advance for any insights.
When travelling I'm usually taking with me the laptop so that I can immediately download and start adjusting my photos. With Capture One what is the suggested workflow, taking into account that my photos library isn't in the laptop's hard disk (I keep them in an external drive, that doesn't travel with me).
Should I start a new catalog during travel time and merge it with the main catalog upon returning home?
Are there any alternatives? What should I do in order to make sure that I won't have a problem on merging those 2 catalogs? (I will want to move the photos from the "travel catalog" to the external drive once the catalogs are merged).
And, last but not the least, how can I merge two catalogs...
Thank you in advance for any insights.
I'd suggest a Session on the laptop. It can be imported into your catalog when you return. If you have already culled some images, you don't have to import those, and Capture One can import adjustments you have made. So I would have a Travel session and either copy it onto an external drive as an easy way of making it available to your main computer, or connecting the desktop to the laptop over your network. (I do the latter, though I work in sessions only, and just move images from my travelling session to my current desktop session.)
Ian0 -
Thanks, Ian.
Although I've read already about using Sessions I haven't used it yet (I'm a "catalog user"...).
But I'll certainly try your welcomed suggestion. Just one question: from what you say, only "adjusted" photos will be imported to the catalog when I import the "Travel Session". The other ones (untouched photos) do have to be imported separately (in a "regular"way)?0 -
NNN636592475824091249 wrote:
Thanks, Ian.
Although I've read already about using Sessions I haven't used it yet (I'm a "catalog user"...).
But I'll certainly try your welcomed suggestion. Just one question: from what you say, only "adjusted" photos will be imported to the catalog when I import the "Travel Session". The other ones (untouched photos) do have to be imported separately (in a "regular"way)?
No you can import the whole session if you like. I only meant that if you had already culled some duds, you could choose not to import them. But you can if you want. You can either import the whole session into your catalog, or you can import just some folders from it, such as the Selects and Output folders. There is a helpful video on Capture One's YouTube channel about combining sessions and catalogs in this way. See especially from about 55m onwards where he covers importing both a whole session or just a folder from a session. Also see the blog post that he mentions at about the 1hr point, and to which there is a link below the video.
Ian0 -
Thanks! 0 -
The solutions already mentioned are fine. However, I have gotten used to catalogs with referenced files and found this workflow to work for me. When traveling, I create a new catalog on my laptop and arrange image files, projects, and albums in that catalog as I would my main C1 catalog. I let C1 manage the images inside the catalog. When I get home, I import the catalog into my main C1 catalog and move the projects, albums, or images where I want them in my main C1 catalog and then drag the image files to the appropriate referenced file folders.
One thing you should be aware of, either way you do it, you will not be able to preserve manual sort order. I do sort images on the laptop into a logical order, generally based on their relative geographic location, if relevant. Even though C1 cannot retain manual sort order during importing, I can rapidly replicate the sort order by referring to the sort order on the laptop. It would be really nice if C1 had a function for basing sort order on GPS location.0 -
I think importing sessions to master catalog is too complicated and error prone in case of referenced files. I have one master catalog with referenced files and I definitely need an easy way to import sessions into it so that session photo files would be automatically referenced files, too! C1 should have a session import functionality like normal importing with options offered to user where the user WANTS his photos saved! 0 -
NN635876331519906795UL wrote:
C1 should have a session import functionality like normal importing with options offered to user where the user WANTS his photos saved!
It does, doesn't it? If you want to import into your catalog the images in a session and leave them where they are you can just go File>Import Session... and navigate to the session file in question. Or if you want to have the images somewhere else instead of their existing location, you can go File>Import Images... and the import dialog box has a drop down menu from which you can select where you want the images to be located (Current location, inside catalog, or choose some other location outside the catalog if you want). Just remember to check the include existing adjustments box.
Ian0 -
Ian3 wrote:
It does, doesn't it? If you want to import into your catalog the images in a session and leave them where they are you can just go File>Import Session... and navigate to the session file in question.
Yes, this is my standard work flow. Create a session, import the images, do my basic processing and make my selects, import the session into the catalogue and process the files for my gallery. I have the session setup such that my selects are what you see when you select the job name in the catalogue and if you really want to see the rest you can look in the captures sub folder - but I hardly ever do 😄0 -
Could you not just get a slim hard drive and take that on the road with you? I have a 2TB I take everywhere, my MacBook Pro gets full pretty quickly, I don't think I could relax not knowing that I can just dump a load of files onto my hard drive if I find myself in a tight spot. 0 -
Ian3 wrote:
NN635876331519906795UL wrote:
C1 should have a session import functionality like normal importing with options offered to user where the user WANTS his photos saved!
It does, doesn't it? If you want to import into your catalog the images in a session and leave them where they are you can just go File>Import Session... and navigate to the session file in question. Or if you want to have the images somewhere else instead of their existing location, you can go File>Import Images... and the import dialog box has a drop down menu from which you can select where you want the images to be located (Current location, inside catalog, or choose some other location outside the catalog if you want). Just remember to check the include existing adjustments box.
So how about catalogs: I do not see a way to make that File>Import Images... to import from my travel catalog where photos reside inside of this catalog AND after import they should be referenced files linked to my master catalog (to where I import only photo adjustments - not photo files). Import doesn't seem to see inside of catalogs. I m Mac C1 user.0 -
File>Import Catalog...?
Ian0 -
Ian3 wrote:
File>Import Catalog...?
If I import catalog, photo files get imported into my master catalog, too and I do not want that. I want that all my photo files are referenced files residing outside of my master catalog. I can not believe I m alone with this problem... Why wouldnt "Import Photos..." work for importing from catalog?! That would be super great!0 -
Maybe you have to export the images from the source catalog first, if they are stored within the catalog?
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