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Capture 20 for Mac not tethering



  • NNN636162491544519189
    anyone else hearing of this problem?
  • Lars Hennings
    With the Fuji X-Pro2 it works now (-20) with all settings on Live View. You looked to the Fuji-X-Forum to your camera? lars
  • NNN634665269316987988
    Also not able to tether my GFX100 with 20. On Mac OS Mojave 10.14.2
  • Paul Steunebrink
    NNN634665269316987988 wrote:
    Also not able to tether my GFX100 with 20. On Mac OS Mojave 10.14.2

    I suggest you open a support case.
  • Nathan Perkel

    Able to tether my GFX50, but can not fire an image while is live view. Is this the case for GFX100 as well? - About to purchase.


  • Nathan Perkel

    Do I need to purchase the fuji version for capture one for full functions or does the standard version 20 offer all the functions you can use for fuji with capture one?

  • cayenne

    I had the trial version and now the Pro version of C1.  I currently have version 13.1.1


    The trial version is the Pro version....and it works with my GFX100.  Live view and all.


    The Fuji version should work too.

    I'd heard that the latest firmware update borked some GFX100 users' tethering with C1, but at least with my latest version, it all works well.

    Did you make sure in the GFX's menu system to properly set it to auto for the tethering connection?


    You have to do that or it won't work. I don't have the menu path in my head off hand, but you do have to set that setting before you plug in the cable and shoot.





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