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Questions about soft-proofing and sharpening for prints



  • Karl N
    If You print outside, You should ask printing house for their requirements
  • ajd
    Thanks, but that's not the issue. I want to send the image file to the outside printer (which I've used before, with a different photo processing program that I can no longer use with my newer camera) with the appropriate amount of sharpening--which I have to choose. The outside printer does not add or remove any sharpening. Therefore, it's important for me to know how much sharpening to add, and, to know (or estimate) that, I would like to understand better what the soft proofing view is supposed to show.
  • Karl N
    How about copy sharpening parameters from a previous program? (Range, Threshold)
    Are You sure You can no longer use the previous program? Did You try open DNG or a TIFF in this program?

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