See dates of images?
Is there any way to have the image dates shown on the Browser view?
I have a folder full of images from different dates and I would like to see what dates so I can sort them, tag them, etc. They're all at the same location and with the same people, scenery, etc. so date is the only differentiator.
I have a folder full of images from different dates and I would like to see what dates so I can sort them, tag them, etc. They're all at the same location and with the same people, scenery, etc. so date is the only differentiator.
Date, where known, is available as a Filter (Library Tab) which might be quite useful.
If you set the browser view to List image date is one of the fields shown.
You can also sort the order of the images in the browser by date.
I would imaging some or all of these opportunities might be of use to you.
Grant0 -
I never even thought of List view. Perfect.
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