Export images with white frame - possible?
Is there a workaround to export images with a white frame in C1?
I just don't want to buy 3rd party apps just for this.
Thank you!
I would guess that you would need to Print the image to a file. I.E. Print to an electronic file such a pdf or xps "printer" program. Or something similar.
Grant0 -
it would be great to have the possibility of drawing frames around the exported pictures, white, black etc.. 0 -
Yes it is nice feature, but just for borders you can use free program like GIMP, which will do what you require, there is also some free alternatives on Mac as well. 0 -
lilo shinet wrote:
it would be great to have the possibility of drawing frames around the exported pictures, white, black etc..
That's why the likes of PhotoShop exist - this is cosmetic tweaking of pixels, not Raw conversion.0 -
Andriy.Okhrimets wrote:
Yes it is nice feature, but just for borders you can use free program like GIMP, which will do what you require, there is also some free alternatives on Mac as well.
GIMP is available for Mac too.
Ian0 -
I know that it's possible with photoshop or Gimp, but in fact it would be much more conveniant to do it directly while exporting the Images.
If you want a batch of Images externally printed in a lab (with White Frame), it is just ridiculous to add a frame Image by Image in an external App.
And it's no valid argument that these things are not the playground of a RAW converter.
Almost every RAW converter can do things that are usually the playground of photoshop & co.2 -
Is it not cleaner, in printing terms, to output the file to the correct size for the white borders you want when printed on the media size you have selected?
For black or coloured borders there is, perhaps, a different issue. However I suspect that border options are easier to deal with flexibly at print time than at file output time.
If you want a white border for a screen display that's a different matter. However even then I suspect there would be a tendency to expect drop shadows and all sorts of other "nice to have" artistic additions - and there are already applications around to help with those.
Grant0 -
I've only just moved to Capture One from Lightroom, but with Lightroom you could use the Mogrify command line utility to process images after output ()
With Capture One my intent is to create a batch file (Windows) that uses Mogrify to add a border as I require to the image file passed in as an argument. I'm hoping I can then setup a output recipe in Capture One that 'Opens' the image in this batch file after processing - thus creating the border.
Am going to try this weekend, so will report back with how I get on.
If this works then it opens up a whole world of possibilities because of the options Mogrify provides. Output sharpening, borders, cropping to given pixel size etc etc.
Andy.0 -
I'd be interesting in a border functionality because my local lab always crops the images it prints in the wet-lab by 1-3%. The process does this automatically to ensure there is no white border if a 2:3 ratio image isn't exactly 2:3.
They also have a pro level Epson printer for larger printing but it's a lot more expensive unless I need bigger than 8" x 12".0 -
Pleased to say that my experiment has worked, and I now have a process recipe that adds a 20px white border to my image. THis could easily be changed to carry out any of the function that Mogrify/ImageMagick is capable of (e.g USB output sharpening, croppping, border, text overlays, etc etc.)
This all works on Windows, not sure how easily you could do this on a MAC, but steps were:
1. Download and install ImageMagick from here:
2. In a location of your choice create a file called (for instance) white_border_20px.bat
3. Edit this in notepad or similar to include the following: mogrify -bordercolor white -border 20x20 %1
Notes: mogrify is the command we're running, -bordercolor white specifies a white border, -border 20x20 specifies a 20px border, %1 means that it will run this command on the file that is passed into the batch file as an argument
My next step was to create an output recipe in Capture one that created an image of the size I wanted (minus the 20px border), and then try to point the 'Open With' dialog box to the .bat file. However, Capture One only lets you select a .exe file at this point. So....
4. Download and install 'Bat to Exe' convertor from:
5. Run this and use it turn your .bat file into a .exe file. I left the options as default.
6. Now point your output recipe at the new .exe file that has just been created
7. VOILA! Now when you select your photos and run the output recipe Capture One will create the base image, and then pass this into your .exe that will add the 20px white border around the edge.
Hope this helps some others, happy to answer any questions anyone has, or indeed to create and share some (Windows) .exe's that perform any simple requests that folk have.
Andy.1 -
I found your question as I was looking for the same functionnality.
I did not find an answer on the web, so I ended up writing my own solution for adding a frame when exporting an image with Capture One.
So here is the step by step description on my solution :
I hope it helped you !
2 -
Another choice for a workaround is Imagemagick. I did just this a few days ago and wrote up my process here: https://forum.luminous-landscape.com/index.php?topic=134371.0
0 -
I did not find an answer on the web, so I ended up writing my own solution for adding a frame when exporting an image with Capture One.
Hi Laurence! I've tried your method, seems very clever. Although I've noticed in Photoshop that the border is always shorter on the shorter photo's edge. Do you think there's a way to modify the script to have an even spaced border all around the photo? (I've tried to look at it, but I can't remember anything about programming! 😅)
0 -
I am yet to try this out, but by looking at the code, the problem for the uneven borders is that he is increasing each side by 5%. Instead, he should increase the canvas on each axis by a fixed number of pixels. For example:
borderSize = docHeight*5/100 // border size will be 5% of document height (change 5 to whatever you like)
doc.resizeCanvas(docWidth+borderSize, docHeight+borderSize, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER)1
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