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C1 Session Workflow with Photo Mechanic or C1 Catalog only



  • Paul Steunebrink
    In short, as a high-level overview answer to your questions:
    - there is no harm in your current workflow of PM and CO8; importing images into a session does not add something special to images that you would regret later because you used PM for that
    - I think that you can replace PM with all the bells-and-whistles CO8 has for file creation; I find the metadata handling of PM still superior and although you can consider me a long-time Capture One diehard, it still does not replace PM for me (unfortunately).

    I suggest you start experimenting with a CO8-only workflow and see what you come across.
  • Philippe Rouquet
    Many thanks for your reply Paul; quite helpful.
    Since you are a certified professsional for C1 One Pro, you might know of a colleague in my current location, which is Switzerland (Lausanne area). let me know if you do.
    Best regards,
    Philippe Rouquet, amateur nature photographer

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