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Merging Adjustments from laptop to desktop.



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    I generally work in Sessions, not catalogs. I'd suggest that you could use a session on the laptop at least. You can then connect to your laptop across your network and import the images from the session into your catalog (or into a session on the desktop in my case). Or you can copy the whole travelling session onto a USB drive and move it over. Be sure to check the box to include existing adjustments. You can either import the whole session into your catalog, or you can import just the contents of specific folders. I have generally done some work on the images on the laptop, especially some culling, so I move over only the contents of the Selects folder, and perhaps any processed output from the Output folder.

    You don't say whether your catalog contains managed or referenced images. If you wanted to use referenced images you'd need to move them to the desktop, in which case you'd want to copy the whole session from the laptop to the desktop, perhaps using a USB drive. If you use managed images, then of course C1 will import them into the catalog.

  • Orestis Konstantinidis
    Hi Ian,
    thanks a lot for the reply.
    I am using referenced files in both the laptop and the desktop.

    I'll try using sessions for editing next time. For my existing photos, there is no option to export the edited files as a Session, only as a Catalog.

    I went ahead and synchronized my folders with all the new photos and tried importing again a few times. This time it matched the photos and asked me if I want to existing or the importing variant. I chose the importing variant.

    Apparently this time it succeeded to bring the adjustments in a couple of photos, bu still nothing in all the others.. I really don't get why it's only succeeding in a tiny percentage of the photos...
  • Orestis Konstantinidis
    Ok I think I finally did it.

    Indeed the software seems to be quite a bit buggy in that regard.

    So I Opened the catalog instead of importing, and the Locate Folder worked, sort of.
    It matched all the photos and loaded the adjustments, but it created 1 folder per photo and I ended up with hundreds of folders.
    Restarting Capture One fixed that and all the folders were merged into the 2 folders I had. So, as I mentioned, a bit buggy.

    But now I had a catalog with my local folder structure and all the adjustments, so going back to my master catalog and importing this new local catalog succeeded in loading all the adjustments correctly.

    Was a bit clunky figuring out a way, I hope there will be improvements in that area in future versions.
  • Manuel Huettl
    Hmm for me working on laptop and desktop works very well.

    On the road I use the laptop and use session. I sort and edit the images within the session.
    Once I am home I either just copy the whole session to my pc and keep on working within that session or I import the session in my catalog (open catalog -> import session). I never had any issues importing my session into a catalog... it just shows up as an "project" and includes all adjustments, sorting in albums, color tags I did in the session.

    Maybe you should try to use Sessions on your laptop?

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