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Intended way of working when exporting RAWs and edited TIFs



  • OddS.
    ChristophMueller wrote:
    When exporting, only the RAWs are relevant for me, which were only developed for which no TIF file was created. And only the TIFs created from a RAW file, but not the original RAW file.

    I guess I don't understand what you want. To me export RAW is identical to copy RAW from current location to a different target location. "Open with" is slightly different as it involves a target application (like Photoshop or Affinity Photo) rather than a target file location. The original raw file is passed to the target application by reference rather than by a duplicate file. Capture One adjustments are not involved. "Edit with" means create a new file (TIF, say) from RAW with the adjustments applied, and pass a reference to the new file to the target application.

    You probably knew all that, and I wonder if you are asking for a method in C1 to identify and select RAW files that do not have an associated TIF or to identify and select TIFs that do have an associated RAW (or both)?

    Three examples to clarify my question:

    Your C1 "knows" files: DSC1234.NEF, DSC1234.XMP, DSC1234.PSD, DSC1234.DNG, DSC1234.PNG and DSC1234.JPG.
    You want C1 to select DSC1234.NEF (or perhaps select DSC1234.DNG?) because there is no file DSC1234.TIF

    Your C1 "knows" files: DSC1234.NEF, DSC1234.XMP, DSC1234.PSD, DSC1234.DNG, DSC1234.PNG, DSC1234.JPG and DSC1234.TIF
    You want C1 to select DSC1234.TIF because there is also a DSC1234.NEF (or perhaps because of the DSC1234.DNG?)

    Your C1 "knows" files: DSC1234.XMP, DSC1234.PSD, DSC1234.PNG, DSC1234.JPG and DSC1234.TIF
    You do NOT want C1 to select DSC1234.TIF because there is no RAW file (no NEF, no DNG).
  • Paul Steunebrink
    I am a bit puzzled like user OddS. Some additional tips, however.

    You can filter images based on file format. Go to Filters tool > Format.

    You can set global filters. Go to View menu > Global filters.
  • Ian Leslie
    I am pretty sure he means "if I have a folder of images that started out as only RAW, some number were then edited in another program and therefore TIFFs were created. Now I want a way to select them for export such that any file name that only has the raw extension is exported from the RAW file and any file that has both a version with the raw extension and .tiff the .tiff file is exported."

    The answer is this is not possible with the current filtering. But there are a few things you can do:

  • Assign a colour (say blue) to the files you want to export. Then you can filter to show only files tagged with blue.

  • Similar with star rating. That means that your original RAW files might need to be down voted but perhaps that is appropriate anyway since the TIFF files are you final copies anyway.

  • Create an album and drag and drop the files you want in this export into that collection.
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  • Christoph Müller

    Thank you all for your answers.
    IanL understood my situation correctly. Sorry for my bad Englisch. I am German and no native speaker.

    I hoped there would be an automatic way and the edit files have some kind of connection to the original RAW file.

    The star rating seams a nice solution. I could reserve stars 1-4 for my selection process and the 5 star rating for either my final RAW or my edited TIF file. The selected RAW from which the TIF was created would be rated 4 stars.
    So everything with 5 stars will be exported.

    IanL wrote:
    I am pretty sure he means "if I have a folder of images that started out as only RAW, some number were then edited in another program and therefore TIFFs were created. Now I want a way to select them for export such that any file name that only has the raw extension is exported from the RAW file and any file that has both a version with the raw extension and .tiff the .tiff file is exported."

    The answer is this is not possible with the current filtering. But there are a few things you can do:

  • Assign a colour (say blue) to the files you want to export. Then you can filter to show only files tagged with blue.

  • Similar with star rating. That means that your original RAW files might need to be down voted but perhaps that is appropriate anyway since the TIFF files are you final copies anyway.

  • Create an album and drag and drop the files you want in this export into that collection.
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