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4x3 cropping sizes always 1600px and 1200px???



  • jdmuys
    OK I found it, but this raises new questions.

    The answer to my own question above is that the labels content depend on the current output recipe as defined in the output "cogwheel" pane on the left side, and more precisely the "scale" setting.

    In my case the scale setting was set to "long edge, 1600px".


    I now set it to "fix 100%", and now the labels switch to inches. Why? I am using metrics units, and my OS (macOS 10.13.6) is set so. Also, I might want to see that in pixels now, but couldn't find a way.

    Is there one?
  • cdc
    Go to the Crop tool and you can change from in to px, cm, or mm.

    It is kind of odd, but only when you have an output recipe with the scale set to fixed will you find the setting for the labels in px, in, cm, mm over in the crop tool. When the scale is set to anything else that setting is right there in the Process Recipe.
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    Are you on the latest version of Capture One (11.2.1)? There was an issue a couple of releases back which meant that the crop kept reverting to inches, and a later update cured it.


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