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Notes attached to sessions or images



  • Pavel Voronenko
    Good idea!
    I would even add this function to CapturePilot to let make notes on the fly
  • SFA
    It's not impossible to type into the meta data fields - surely it is what the IPTC fields are for?

    Probably easier to create the note first using a favoured application and then cut and past it into the Metadata field(s).

    For crew info, or anything fixed for the shoot, It could be possible to create a "preset" to load with every shot?

  • EdwardWeston
    Yes love the idea with capture pilot too.

    After I made this initial post Grant, I actually went to add some notes to the metadata and know that some programs I've seen spots for notes or additional info but could not actually find such in the capture one metadata tab. Any ideas?

    Also love the preset ideas for cast and crew.

    I also think about
    Notes on lighting, outfits or wardrobe etc.

  • SFA
    EdwardWeston wrote:
    Yes love the idea with capture pilot too.

    After I made this initial post Grant, I actually went to add some notes to the metadata and know that some programs I've seen spots for notes or additional info but could not actually find such in the capture one metadata tab. Any ideas?

    Also love the preset ideas for cast and crew.

    I also think about
    Notes on lighting, outfits or wardrobe etc.


    Check out the IPTC fields.

    It might be worth starting out with whatever info you can find about the intended usage of the "official" fields to see if you can pin down something that would make your entries align with the way that others may use them. That said the last time I read up on the subject the intended usage and the actual usage likely to be found did not seem to be likely candidates for strict adherence for all. Only if they were enforced by some high level oversight.

  • Karl N
    I agree It could be usefull, to make some Workflow notes not related to IPTC


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