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Sync Folder Not Adding Images Added in Finder



  • Gordon Webster
    To follow up. I received this response from C1 support.....

    HDR DNG files from Lightroom are not supported.

    As per our release notes: "Capture One has the ability to treat and display camera files that were converted to DNG, as if it was the original RAW. The file in question has to come from a camera we officially support with native RAW support and the RAW data also needs to have been embedded in the DNG at the point of conversion. Note we do not support Adobe Lens or Color Profiles in this workflow."
  • Carlo Didier
    Same problem here (HDR DNGs created with ACR which uses the same engine as LR) cannot be read by C1, although panoramas can ...
    I suppose that Adobe did something new with those HDRs that C1 doesn't understand.
    I understand that it may be an uphill battle to continuously support new versions of DNG, but either they support it or they don't. Giving vague technical excuses are not a good answer for users.
    I'm sure there are many who now use that HDR feature in ACR/LR and C1 should support those as soon as possible, especially as C1 does not have an HDR module itself.
  • SFA
    CarloDidier wrote:
    Same problem here (HDR DNGs created with ACR which uses the same engine as LR) cannot be read by C1, although panoramas can ...
    I suppose that Adobe did something new with those HDRs that C1 doesn't understand.
    I understand that it may be an uphill battle to continuously support new versions of DNG, but either they support it or they don't. Giving vague technical excuses are not a good answer for users.
    I'm sure there are many who now use that HDR feature in ACR/LR and C1 should support those as soon as possible, especially as C1 does not have an HDR module itself.

    Are you expecting support for DAM purposes only or do you want to replace LR editing opportunities with some new editing functionality in Capture One?

    Either way since this is a User to User forum the best advice is to make a Support Case Enhancement Request explaining what you would like to see included. That would mean that the development team can assess their options for technical feasibility and the level of demand from users and make a decision about prioritising where such functionality might fit in a future development plan.



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