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Support DNG files for DJi Mavic 2 Pro




  • Official comment
    Jakob Boie Sørensen

    Hi Lev,

    Thank you for your feedback and for the screenshots. I will forward your request for better DJI Mavic 2 Pro support internally.

    Best regards,

    Jakob, Capture One

  • Eivind Røhne

    Capture One definetely needs to improve on the Mavic 2 Pro DNG files! I run raw files from all cameras I work with through Capture One, except the M2P DNG files where I (sadly) have to use Adobe Camera Raw (I'm not a Lightroom user, but ACR and LR is the same "engine").

  • Todd Dominey

    Yes, please! I have yet to find a correction profile in Capture One which works as well as the built-in profile Lightroom reads and interprets. I do a fair bit of aerial photography and would very much appreciate a correction profile.

  • Lev Karavanov

    Hi Jakob,

    Thank you so much! 

  • Tom Rohrer

    Like Eivind I need to use Lightroom for my Mavic 2 Pro files. Capture One often adds a heavy magenta tint to DNGs processed from DJI drones. It is uncorrectable in Photoshop.

  • Eivind Røhne

    Tom; Yeah even the latest version of CO 21 produces very bad results. Heavy vignetting, soft around the edges, and colors are off. I developed a few M2P DNG files today in both CO 21 and the latest Camera Raw, and I’m tearing my hair out because of the bad CO results. ACR sadly does a WAY better job at these files than CO.


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