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Stuck with variants groups



  • jdmuys

    I tried again with a new session and everything works correctly: as soon as I create a new variant, the first variant has the group icon at its top left, and Collapse… is enabled.

    So for some reason, the misbehavior only happens with this session I am working on. Is there some session setting that could interfere? is there some cleanup or reset process I could do? I really would not want to start a new session from scratch: I have hours of work invested in it.


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Are you looking at them in their actual folder, or in an album or smart album? In a smart album (such as all 5 star images) you can't collapse them (because it is possible that some variants of the image are in the smart album and some aren't).

    Also, in any case the collapse icon only appears in the browser in the top left of the No1 variant, not all of them.


  • jdmuys

    Hi Ian and thank you very much: you got it! I was looking in a smart album, namely the one named "All Images".

    Your explanation makes sense (even though you could argue it would not apply to *that* smart album). But that's *really* misleading.

    Thanks in any way. You solved it :-)



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