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Free SmugMug link Problem



  • nigel turley

    Same here - tried several browsers. Will raise with support.

  • Danny Tax

    Same here!

  • Roy Lopez

    I have the same problem. It would be nice if they forwarded the link. Thanks.

  • jos de Lange

    yes, same problem here.

  • Terje Gulbrandsen

    Same here as well

  • nigel turley

    Reply from support :

    Hi there,

    If you have received any emails from Smugmug, or any emails from Capture One mentioning Smugmug - then it is totally legitimate. However, we have noticed that these emails contain links that do not work - please bear with us whilst we look to rectify this mistake.

  • nigel turley

    It seems that the whole thing was a mistake - the emails should only have been sent to new customers not those who've been loyal to the company for years!

  • David Mantripp

    Oops :-)

    As a LOYAL user, I am OUTRAGED, er..... no, never mind.

  • nigel turley

    Yeah - not that interested in Smugmug to be fair... ;-)

  • Amr Mounib

    As subscriber do we qualify ?
    The link sent with this offer is a “DUD” not working.

    think this a it’s a generous offer but would love to take an advance! 
    Hope we qualify for it and am sure folks at Capture One & Smugmug are working on resolvIng this issue!

  • john steele

    Nice to know it's not just me. I wouldn't mind trying it out to see if it fits in with my workflow, Otherwise I'm fine without it.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Well, same here, blank.  Would be nice to give it a try.

  • Mark White

    Can existing customers of Capture One get a discount instead? Well its worth asking.


  • Kris Dudek

    What's happening with the link Capture One....

  • Tom Kuznicki

    I have received a link to the SmugMug offer but was getting "page not found" error.

    Today I got a response from the Capture One support and it looks like the email was sent to me by mistake as the SmugMug offer only applies to the purchases of Capture One, made between May 5, 2020 and June 7, 2020.

    Unfortunately I've purchased my subscription in April so it looks like I've missed on the offer. At least the mistery is solved. Thanks to the Capture One support for a quick response.

    Here's the response from the Capture One support in full:

    "Thank you for reaching out to us and sorry for the misleading e-mail – it was sent by mistake to some of our customers, that already have the active software or that have no software at all.

    Unfortunately, SmugMug offer only applies to the purchases, made between May 5, 2020 and June 7, 2020.

    Have a great day and let us know if you have any further questions."


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