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Slow processing 2019 16" MBP



  • Art Altman

    New Macintosh computers run slowly at first because the hard drive is being indexed for instant search.  I don't know how many hours or days this takes.

    As for this new forum, I wish there was a way to get a daily digest of these comments by email rather than seeing every single comment in an email.  

  • Tobin Bennett

    I can't make sense of that. The day I got the replacement computer I loaded CO1 13.0 and it was screaming fast and now it is very slow again. 

  • Simon Glenister

    I'm finding C1 13.1 very slow, especially brush strokes using a Wacom Tablet are lagging very badly, making it difficult to use effectively and that is with a Mid 2015 MacBook Pro. Didn't have the issue in earlier versions of C1.

  • Gabriel Thompson

    Agree completely-what a joke-it is taking me like 2/3 seconds just to see the pink mask using heal brush-clogging up my ram and not using the radeon pro555x on laptop almost at all if at all judging by activity monitor. Catalina has been available in beta and in real life for a year-no excuse for this. No excuse for a tech based company like phase one says it is for not utilizing metal either. Especially since I’d venture 80 percent of their users on on apple computers. Adobe works screaming fast, mid 2019 mbp 15” 16gb ram.


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