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New Imacs



  • dwtech
    I did a quick test with C1 Pro on both the Intel Duo & PPC Imacs this weekemd. While I didn't do an entire breakdown of my workflow on the Intel, everything seemed to go fine. It imported a session no problem, all the corrections, and processed, as expected. There was a very slight speed bump in everything over the PPC Imac even running on emulation. From the short time I was using the Intel iMac, I didn't see any glaring bugs or quirks.
  • Steve 3
    Inspite of the posted technical bulletin stating that the software runs fine under Rosetta, you cannot capture via firewire because of an issue with CaptureOne firewire handshaking.

    We were told by PhaseOne that these new Intel macs will not be fully supported till 3.7.4 sometime late in Q1 or early Q2.

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