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Still no support for compressed Fujifilm RAW files



  • Martin Hammer
    I think, it is easy. I guess, phaseone are the most little ones of kindergarten-kids and don't support fujis compressed files because fuji has announced the GFX 50. Mimimimii...
  • Keith Reeder
    [quote="mh" wrote:
    I think, it is easy. I guess, phaseone are the most little ones of kindergarten-kids and don't support fujis compressed files because fuji has announced the GFX 50. Mimimimii...

    Yeah, that's the way to persuade Phase One to speed up support...

    To the OP: it's usually a simple matter of demand. If there's little perceived demand for support of this camera or that file format, it will be a long time coming.

    Have you tried to process your compressed files in Capture One after converting them to DNG using the free Adobe DNG converter? That should get you by for a while.
  • Christian Gruner
    As mentioned before here on the forum, we are working in it. It has shown to be a bit more complicated than expected (on the non-technical side). I can't comment further or give an eta.
  • Morton
    [quote="Keith Reeder" wrote:
    [quote="mh" wrote:

    Have you tried to process your compressed files in Capture One after converting them to DNG using the free Adobe DNG converter? That should get you by for a while.

    Hi Keith;

    No I haven't. I did try to convert some other files from another camera that lacked support a couple years back in the mistaken belief that a DNG is a DNG, and as C1 supported DNG's that was all that was to it - but apparently no. I converted said files to DNG and C1 couldn't open them.

    I brought the issue up with C1 support and was told DNG wasn't such an open format after all, and there were bits and pieces that lacked from Adobe's documentation or something of the sort, I no longer remember exactly. But the takeaway for me was that there's no way I'm going to trust DNG as a long-term archival format like it has been promoted by Peter Krohg (The DAM book) and others.

    I'm not convinced the problem was technical and not political or business-related or even all of the above, but after that my interest in DNG came to an abrupt end (as intended, probably, but life is just too short).

    Now, I realise that what your suggestion was probably just as a stop-gap measure, and the situation may have improved for all that I know of, but again, life is too short. I need a fast, simple workflow that doesn't get in my way more than absolutely necessary.

    Now, I'm reading that Iridient Developer is far better than C1 on handling detail from the X-Pro2 RAFs anyway, and there's an upcoming DNG converter coming from Iridient that somehow integrates with Lightroom if I understand it correctly, so that may very well end up becoming my solution. I wastly prefer the GUI of Lightroom over C1 anyway - my biggest caveat is the skin colours for portraits, which nobody else does as well as C1 yet (or at least as far as I've seen). I'll have to test Iridient some day. If C1 can't solve this then they may very well end up losing my business, simple as that.
  • Terence Patrick
    [quote="Christian Gruner" wrote:
    As mentioned before here on the forum, we are working in it. It has shown to be a bit more complicated than expected (on the non-technical side). I can't comment further or give an eta.

    I'm reading this as the lawyers can't get the stakeholders on the same page.
  • Rick Stufflebean
    Iridient Transformer is functioning fine in it's current Beta form. C1 does a fantastic job Lightroom with Fuji files (way better than Lightroom), but Iridient Transformer does a slightly better job than C1 with heavy foliage type shots. Personally I don't see a noticable difference on normal non-foliage shots. Not enough difference that "to me" it's worth screwing with other than the Compressed support.
    It would make it a lot easier on users if Phase One would just stop the politics and support the Compressed and OpenCL functions for Fuji. Other smaller editors support them just fine... PhaseOne keeps saying it's complicated and Fuji's fault.
  • Christian Gruner
    [quote="rckstflbn" wrote:
    Iridient Transformer is functioning fine in it's current Beta form. C1 does a fantastic job Lightroom with Fuji files (way better than Lightroom), but Iridient Transformer does a slightly better job than C1 with heavy foliage type shots. Personally I don't see a noticable difference on normal non-foliage shots. Not enough difference that "to me" it's worth screwing with other than the Compressed support.
    It would make it a lot easier on users if Phase One would just stop the politics and support the Compressed and OpenCL functions for Fuji. Other smaller editors support them just fine... PhaseOne keeps saying it's complicated and Fuji's fault.

    Life is not always as simple as one would like it to be, or what it looks to be from other angles. There is no evil super-villan conspiracy, just work to be done.
  • Rick Stufflebean
    This just in...
    the small developer Rawtherapee 5.0 now has preliminary support for compressed Fuji files.
  • Martin Hammer
    On1 Photo RAW supports compressed Fuji Raws now too.
    PhaseOne seems to be a little gallic village in their fight against Fuji ... 😉

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