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Capture One 6.01 failure to read tif.



  • GJT_West
    I removed the extended attributes from the file that C1 ignored, deleted the proxy cache and dragged the files back onto C1. C1 continues to ignore the file.

    Setting aside the fact that C1 ignores the files, shouldn't C1 create an event in the event log that files were ignored or skipped, for whatever reason. Failure to do so can lead to lost work.
  • Paul Steunebrink
    I recall a size limitation (amount of pixels) for CO6 to read a TIFF. Is the ignored file larger than others? If you resize (a copy of) the file in Photoshop, is CO6 able to open that? And a not resized copy?
  • GJT_West
    Thanks for the suggestion.

    The original was 1886x705@1350ppi

    I dropped a copy of the file down as far as 89x33@200ppi. Still fails to read. Still nothing in the event log.

    I am trying to open a software support case, but that is proving to be an exercise in its own right.
  • Paul Steunebrink
    [quote="NN143548UL" wrote:
    I am trying to open a software support case, but that is proving to be an exercise in its own right.

    Don't know what the problem is, but a common confusion is the first entry field (prod. reg.). Cure: skip it.
  • GJT_West
    This was a bug/design feature of CO. If the file contains an alpha channel the file is skipped. But no error, or any other form of notification is given by CO. To me skipping the file is OK. Skipping it without logging the fact is a serious bug.

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