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  • ChrisM
    [quote="NN254597UL" wrote:

    i exported an JPG from Apple Photo App, imported it to C1 and exported it again, both JPGs look similar on desktop, but when i upload it to the web, the C1 Version looks much more yellow. why? i use sRGB color profil for both. any ideas?

    see: ... 6.png?dl=0

    Two things here:
    1.) CO1 has no full color management for jpeg and tiff images. I'm still involved in a support case to raise this issue with Phase one. In any case, don't rely on CO1 color management with jpeg and tiff images: especially the CO1 viewer lacks proper color management with these file types.
    2.) CO1 v8 still has the funky treatment of jpeg and tiff images that are below 600px in either height or width. If the height or width of these images is less than 600px, they get a funky 'super saturation sauce' treatment, especially skin tones go totally out of proportion. Now, the images do look ok. in the photoshop viewer, so your issue may have another cause.

    Anyway, if it gives you problems, than just open a support case with Phase one. I keep reading comments like yours in fora, but honestly, Phase one really thinks they've got their color management right with jpeg and tiff images, so send them a signal that this is not the case. And if it is a user error on your side, I'm sure they will sort that out.

  • HansB
    [quote="ChrisM" wrote:
    ... Phase one really thinks they've got their color management right with jpeg and tiff images, so send them a signal that this is not the case. ...

    Here's one more who created support cases about colors in tiff and jpeg images. Both desaturate and change in tint, especially bright colors. And this affects output, too, the colors can change again. PO replied recently:

    [quote="PO Support" wrote:


    We know of a rendering issue with the Way Capture One renders Tif files when loaded into Capture One. Very saurated colors will show the largest change in loss of saturation. This will be resolved ina future release.

    Best regards,
    Team Phase One Support

    Maybe this problem has the same root cause. Please join in and file a support case. 😊
    PO support does a great job sorting it out. Software bugs and user mistakes. (My experience.)

  • ChrisM
    [quote="HansB" wrote:
    [quote="ChrisM" wrote:
    ... Phase one really thinks they've got their color management right with jpeg and tiff images, so send them a signal that this is not the case. ...

    Here's one more who created support cases about colors in tiff and jpeg images. Both desaturate and change in tint, especially bright colors. And this affects output, too, the colors can change again. PO replied recently:

    [quote="PO Support" wrote:


    We know of a rendering issue with the Way Capture One renders Tif files when loaded into Capture One. Very saurated colors will show the largest change in loss of saturation. This will be resolved ina future release.

    Best regards,
    Team Phase One Support

    Maybe this problem has the same root cause. Please join in and file a support case. 😊
    PO support does a great job sorting it out. Software bugs and user mistakes. (My experience.)


    It may be related, although I got an alltogether different respons from Phase one support: they were not aware of any issues with tiff or jpeg rendering in CO1.

    One root cause here, is that all rendering of jpeg and tiff images in the CO1 viewer (mind you: not processing, but rendering in CO1), is literally compressed into the srgb color space, with all hue shifting and loss of color vividness that comes with the srgb color space. This is most evident on wide gamut displays, but not only, as many displays are capable of rendering particular colors outside of the srgb color space. This leads to a break in color match between the raw previews and tiff/jpeg images in the CO1 viewer.

  • NN254597UL

    thanks for your help. i wonder that nobody ever noticed this behaviour before? i tried a Canon RAW File but same issue, much more saturation in the web, even over 600px. But if i load the C1 exported JPG in Apple Photo App and export it from there again, the colors are fine. Really strange.

    How can i make a Support case?

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