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It would be nice to add backup feature to Capture One



  • NN235640UL3
    If anyone else thinks it's a good idea, please comment on this post.

    Thank you!
  • Paul Steunebrink
    IIRC this has been discussed here before resulting in some 3rd party applications going around that do just that what you ask for. Maybe a forum search might help you out.
  • I'd rather keep tethering and backup separate programs.

    In general when you're talking about oversight (political/institutional/engineering) or backup (physical or digital) it's best not to have the same entity responsible for both the original action/acquisition and the oversight/backup thereof. ... photos.pdf

    Doug Peterson
    Head of Technical Services
  • rap_digital
    Whilst I agree with Doug whole heartedly it is reasonably easy to have a basic file backup running from within C1 whilst tethered. This applescript for example when place in the background Scripts folder will duplicate the raw files to a BACKUP folder on the desktop, if there is one there called BACKUP hehe.

    on CO_CaptureDone(rawFilePath)


    end CO_CaptureDone

    on backUp(rawFilePath)
    tell application "Finder"
    set rawFilePathalias to (POSIX file rawFilePath) as alias
    duplicate file rawFilePathalias to ((path to desktop) & "BACKUP") as string
    end tell
    end backUp

    Keep in mind that this is very basic and servers just as a place for you to jump off from. To be used seriously you'd need it to dupe the settings files over as well and keep the sub-folder structure of your capture folder.

    If there is enough interest I could look at building onto this when I have some spare time.
  • Drew Altdo
    The argument can go both ways. I know from my own experience with Capture One I tend to like Doug's approach but it's hard not to like the simplicity and grace of rap's approach. Since Capture One is fairly heavy when using computer resources, it seems like adding more (although nominally so) to that workload would not be recommended.
    When I shoot, I use Chronosync ( ... rview.html) to backup. It's cheap and reliable, I've used it for years and never once had a single complaint. Keeping this backup function separate is less of a headache for me if someone kicks out the firewire cable during capture and mucks up the software, this way I don't have to worry about resetting a background script or turning on an option in Capture One after restarting it.
    The reason I like having a separate software is summed up in the words of the great Ron Popiel I simply "set it and forget it".
  • Keith Reeder
    Also worth mentioning some/quite a few/many of us don't use tethering, so there may actually be rather limited market for an in-Capture One solution...
  • rap_digital
    Alright for the FEW that still shoot tethered I wrote this for you on the plane on my way home this morning. And so I havn't had anytime to really test it out. 😊

    So what does it do?
    It will create a duplicate of your raw and settings file as they come in. The duplicate is stored in shared/_BACKUP/thedate/subcapture folder. So it's designed for those that shoot to a second internal drive, two copies on the same drive isn't that great.

    To install in CO click on the scripts menubar item a select open scripts folder. In this folder add the script to background scripts folder. To disable put it in the disable script folder. Make sure you then select update scripts.

    This is more a proof of concept than anything but would be great to get feedback. And don't use this as the only form of back up.

    And any programers out there don't laugh at my code I wrote it on the plane!!!

    EDIT* So it seems that CO doesn't write the settings file until after the next fie is captured or something like that and so the first version of the script will fail. I've commented out those lines and will look for another solution.

    If anyone knows how to use the "next capture adjustments (Default/Last/Primary/Custom/Default With Style/Last Using Clipboard/Primary Using Clipboard/Using Clipboard) : When an image is captured, what adjustments should be applied?"
    From the library I'd be greatful.

    If you have downloaded the script in the past 24hours re download.

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